January 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).— We are pleased to report a most successful sale of work which realised the satisfactory sum of a clear £100. Our thanks are due to the members of the Ladies' Guild, who have been working magnificently for months to attain so good a result. Mrs Williams, who left us recently to take up her residence at Masterton, received a tangible expression of the members' appreciation of her loyalty in church work and worship. Mr Eric Sisson, a member of our Young Men's Bible Class, has attained the honour of being dux at the Napier Boys' High School. Our congratulations to him. The various branches of church work are proceeding satisfactorily.
February 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our Sunday School picnic was held on New Year's Day. Mr P. Lascelles kindly placed his farm at our disposal, and a pleasant time was spent by scholars and parents. Mr Chia, Chinese Missioner, paid us a farewell visit. He gave an earnest Gospel address to a large number of his brethren in the afternoon, and spoke and sang at the evening service. Mr Turner, leader of the class, gave an interesting report of the work being done by our own denomination amongst the Chinese. Our pastor was granted a month's holiday during January. Messrs R. Sowersby, S. Wyness, and R. F. and F. E. Barley kindly officiated in his absence.
March 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. K. Ewen).—Our pastor has returned from his holiday. Good congregations greeted him on his return. The Ladies' B.W.M.U. held their first meeting for this year on February 6, when a very pleasant time was spent in prayer and reading the missionary letters. We are sorry to lose from our midst Mr Higgs and Mr Stevenson, both of whom have gone to Auckland for a time. Mr Stevenson will be greatly missed in the Sunday School, of which he was Superintendent, and where he was much appreciated. We pray God's richest blessing may go with our brothers. Following the prayer meeting on Tuesday evening we held our annual business meeting. The following officers were elected:—Mr F. E. Barley (re-elected) and Mr J. Bewley as Deacons; Church Secretary, Mr F. E. Barley (re-elected); Treasurer, Mr J. M. Barbour (re-elected); Auditor, Mr A. Turner; Reporter to "Baptist," Mrs Ricketts; Agent "Baptist," Mr F. Horton; Choir Conductor, Mr J. Bewley; Organist, Miss Napier; Representative for Manurewa Children's Home and Leader of Junior C.E., Mr F. E. Barley; Envelope Stewards, Messrs W. Turner and R. E. Barley; Communion Steward, Mr S. Curd; Leader of Chinese Class, Mr W. Turner; Deaconesses, Mesdames Hicks, Collins, Hall, Baker, Widdop, Chappell, and Compton. The balance sheet revealed a satisfactory credit balance. Glowing tribute was paid by Deacon R. E. Barley to the faithful ministry of our pastor. A most enjoyable Junior C.E. picnic was held at "The Peak," Havelock North.
April 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Since our last report one of our esteemed members, the late Mrs Annett, after a lingering illness, has passed to higher service. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones. Our annual social gathering was held on March 7, when the pastor presided over a large gathering of members and adherents. The secretary (Mr F. E. Barley) presented a most encouraging report of the year's work, special mention being made of the Chinese Class, under the leadership of Mr W. Turner. Speaking on behalf of the congregation, Mr R. Sowersby paid great tribute to the ministry of Mr Ewen, and referred to his most helpful expositions. Mr R. Barley voiced our congratulations to Pastor Lascelles on his appointment to the position of Secretary for the Baptist Union of New Zealand, and wished him every success in his future labours. Pastor Lascelles suitably responded. Our newly-appointed Sunday School superintendent (Mr J. Bewley) made a strong appeal for teachers, and stressed the importance of giving the Sunday School a more prominent place in the life of the Church. On Tuesday evening, March 13, the Rev. P. C. Nall gave us a most interesting missionary lecture on his work among the Garos in India.
May 1923
Hastings.—This church, under the ministry of Rev. T. K. Ewen, had just held its annual meeting. Most of the reports were of a favourable character. The faithful ministry of the pastor is much appreciated. The Sunday School, under the new superintendent, Mr Bewley, shows signs of development.
HASTINGS (Rev. T. K. Ewen).—We held our harvest thanksgiving services on March 25. There was a good display of fruit and vegetables, the church being nicely decorated for the occasion. Thanks are due to the many friends for their generous gifts, also to those who helped to arrange them so artistically. On Friday evening, April 6, after choir practice, the members of the choir and Young Ladies' Bible Class combined in giving a farewell social to Mr and Mrs King and Mrs Peck, all of whom are members of the choir. Farewell gifts were presented them. The Young Ladies' Bible Class also presented Mrs King with a silver teapot, suitably inscribed, in appreciation of her work among them, Mrs King having been their leader for the last four years. The evening passed pleasantly with music and games. Mr and Mrs King have been transferred to Wellington; Mrs Peck is leaving for America. On Sunday, April 8, the Young Ladies' and Young Men's Bible Classes held a combined meeting and Bible Class tea, when camp echoes were given, all of which were very encouraging. Our pastor, on behalf of the Young Men's Bible Class, presented Mr King with a handsome pocket bock in recognition of his good work among them.
June 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our pastor was absent the first Sunday in May, being at Gisborne for their church anniversary services. During his absence the morning service was taken by our by the Young Men's Bible Class, Mr Ralph Hurley delivering the address. Mothers' Day proved to be a day of spiritual blessing, tender memories being stirred. We are in the midst of our Week of Prayer, meetings being held in various homes. On May 10 we held a Sunday School romp, the first for some time, the children all having a happy time together. Advantage has been taken of the winter vacation at the schools to hold the Junior Endeavour's tea. After tea a pleasant evening was spent in games.
July 1923
The Chinese work in Wellington and Hastings was being vigorously conducted, and it was expected that during the year a Chinese minister from Canton would be secured as the Rev. Mr Chiu's successor, the latter having rejoined his family in China.
Hastings.—A flying visit revealed the fact of increasing congregations and warm appreciation of the minister's stirring messages.
HASTINGS (Rev T. K. Ewen).—The week of prayer proved to be a time of great spiritual blessing, all the meetings being well attended and marked by distinct spiritual fervour. Our self-denial offering reached the splendid sum of over £38. On Sunday afternoon, May 20, our pastor addressed the Sunday School scholars and presented the prizes for the year. On May 27 the Young Women's Bible Class held a tea to welcome their new leader, to which members of the Young Men's Bible Class were invited, the pastor presiding over a good gathering of young people. Words of welcome were spoken by the pastor. Miss L. Halstead, and Mr J. Fear. Mrs Ricketts, the new leader, suitably replied, after which the Doxology was sung, bringing a pleasant time to a close. The following Wednesday evening the Young Men's Bible Class held a social in aid of camp funds. Our pastor has been giving us some splendid addresses, the Sunday morning sermons being the source of great blessing to many of us.
August 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. K. Ewen).—On Sunday morning, June 24, the prizes were presented to the members of the Young People's Worshipping League. Dr Oliver conducted two splendid services in our church, the evening service being well attended. Sunday, July 1, the services were taken by the Rev. H. B. Hughes, M.A., who gave us two profitable discourses Sunday, July 8, the brethren of the Orange Institution marched to the church, when our pastor preached a powerful sermon on "The Church Upon the Rock." A special appeal on behalf of repairs to the Sunday School was made the same day, when the pastor intimated he would be in the vestry all day the following Wednesday to receive offerings. The friends responded heartily. One gentleman came with his offering, and gave himself to Christ, having been impressed with the Sunday evening's sermon. At the church social following the secretary intimated that £45 had been received.
September 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. K. Ewen).—The Young Women's Bible Class social, held on July 20, was a huge success. The influenza has been quite epidemic during the month, many of the friends having been laid aside in consequence. Our pastor was one of the number, having been compelled to be absent from the pulpit for two Sundays. Excellent services were conducted by our brethren, Messrs R. Sowersby and F. E. Barley.
December 1923
HASTINGS (Rev. T. K. Ewen).—Our Sunlay, October 28, we held a united Bible Class tea, when opportunity was taken to present Miss L. Halstead, the secretary of the Y.W.B.C. with suitable gifts on the eve of her marriage. A most enjoyable social was held on October 30, with a threefold object: The anniversary of our pastor's settlement, when deacon Ralph Barley eulogised his ministry; also to farewell Mr and Mrs Turner and Miss Turner, who have been workers in the church since its commencement. Mr and Mrs Turner were presented with a travelling rug, Miss Turner with a fountain pen as farewell gifts. Then inspiring reports were given by the delegates of the recent Conference. Our Sunday School Anniversary was held on Sunday, November 4, all services being most successful. Rev. J. Ings, of Napier, conducted morning and afternoon services, our pastor in the evening, when the church was packed. The singing by the children was greatly enjoyed. Children's tea and concert were held on the following Wednesday; an excellent programme was listened to by a crowded congregation. On Sunday morning at the communion service our pastor received four new members into fellowship, among them the Rev. H. B. Hughes, M.A., and his wife.