January 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay (Rev. E. Nicholls).—The faithful preaching of His Gospel by our beloved pastor has brought blessing to our lives. The Sunday School anniversary was held on Sunday, November 13. The singing of the children provided a feast for young and old, and much credit is due to our very able choirmaster, Mr J. Bewley, for the high standard attained. At the morning service we had as our preacher Rev. Keith Ewan, a former pastor of the church. His message was appreciated by all. At the evening service our pastor preached a powerful Gospel address to a crowded church. A loud speaker had been installed in the school hall, so that all who came could hear the service. The evening service was broadcast. On November 20 we had the pleasure of the company of Dr J. J. North. His messages were a source of blessing and help to all who were privileged to hear him. On Tuesday, November 22, the doctor delivered his lecture, "Cromwell and Liberty," to a crowded audience. We were indeed sorry when the lecture was brought to a close. We are thankful to report sustained interest in Bible Class and Endeavour work. Our church congregations are very encouraging.— J. R. K.
February 1933
HASTINGS (Rev. E. Nicholls).—Our sale of work was held during December, and those responsible for its organisation are to be congratulated. The sum of £45 was handed to the Church as a result of these efforts. On Christmas Sunday appropriate messages were delivered by our pastor, and in the evening the choir gave a special musical service. This wonderful music was much appreciated. Owing to January being a holiday month most of the organisations of the Church are in recess. Our pastor and his wife and family are enjoying a well-earned rest, and we trust they will return full of vigour for the work of another year. During our pastor's absence our pulpit is being occupied by supplies. To these men we are truly grateful.—J. R. K.
March 1933
HASTINGS (Rev. E. Nicholls).—After some weeks' recess the various organisations of our church are now settled down to a year of service for the Master. We are pleased to welcome back from holiday our pastor and Mrs Nicholls. To the good friends who have so ably filled our pulpit from Sunday to Sunday we tender our sincere appreciation. We were privileged to have with us for a recent week-end the Rev. B. N. Eade, our missionary now on furlough from India. Our Senior Christian Endeavour Society seized the opportunity of hearing the Rev. Mr Eade, and a delightful evening was spent together. Mr Eade was asked many questions on the work in India, and we trust that added prayers will go up for the work because of his visit to our Endeavour meeting. On the Sunday afternoon the Napier Bible Class folk journeyed over to Hastings, and a combined meeting was held. Over 100 young people listened with rapt attention to Mr Eade as he spoke on the mission work. Mr Eade took the evening service, and an appreciative congregation could not but be thrilled as Mr Eade told very simply of the wonder working power of the Gospel in the hearts and lives of some people on our field. We were delighted to have Mr Eade with us, and our prayers will follow him in his work.
April 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay.—All organisations have resumed after the holiday period. Our pastor is back with us again, and all look forward to a year of blessing. Our annual meeting was held in February, and reports showed the various organisations to be in a very sound condition. We are pleased to welcome Mr Fear as a deacon of our church. The harvest services were held recently. The preacher at the evening service was Rev. M. W. P. Lascelles, and his message was much appreciated by all. Some 60 of our folk journeyed to Napier to join in welcoming Rev. C. W. Duncumb to that pastorate. An impressive baptismal service was held on a recent Sunday, when four of our members followed Christ in His own appointed way. Recently a farewell social was given to Miss Napier, one of our organists, who has served the church faithfully for a number of years, and suitable reference to this was made when a presentation of a reading lamp and handbag was made.
May 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay (Rev. E. Nicholls).—We are thankful to report that our church and organisations are all flourishing. The young people's work, both in Bible Class and Christian Endeavour, is a source of inspiration to the leaders. A birthday social evening was held to gather funds to assist our young people in journeying to the Bible Class camps. A very happy evening was spent, and a substantial sum was given, afterwards being divided between the Bible Classes. On a recent Sunday we were privileged to have in our midst the Rev Mr Lack, of the China Inland Mission. Mr Lack preached at both morning and evening services, his closing messages being greatly appreciated. Mr Lack also gave a lecture on the work of the China Inland Mission, and told of some thrilling experiences where the Gospel has, and is, changing the lives of men and women. We give thanks to God for continued blessing in our church. Our congregations are being maintained, and our finances, in spite of the financial stringency, are in a healthy state. Our minister continues in his faithful service, preaching sermons of encouragement and cheer which are so much needed in these difficult days.
July 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay (Rev. E. Nicholls). —During the past month Mrs Collins, the Wellington district treasurer for the B. W. M. U., paid an official visit to our branch which was much appreciated by our ladies. The past two weeks have been great weeks in the history of our town because of the Youth-to-Youth Campaign. Space forbids our recounting here what is fully reported on another page of the Baptist. Suffice it to say that the results, both spiritual and financial, exceeded the wildest expectations of those who were responsible for the arrangements. The Protestant Churches have been drawn together and strengthened. No one who heard the personal testimony of a young Anglican curate will ever forget it. Although our own church numbers have not been increased, great blessing has come to us. Our hearts have been stirred, our faith quickened, and a great witness has been made for Christ and Christianity. — J. A. K.
August 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay (Rev. E. Nicholls). —During the past month the Sunday School anniversary services were held at our branch church at Pukehou, a very flourishing work under the capable leadership of Miss Sims and Mr S. Winus. We are glad to report the opening of a Sunday School at Haumoana, a seaside resort some seven miles from Hastings. This is to be conducted by one of our members, Mrs Byford and Mr Sawden, a recent arrival from Wellington. The young people of our church met for tea on a recent Sunday evening. Great fellowship was enjoyed, as over 100 sat at tea. Our young people's work is an inspiration to the older folk, and also to our minister. The various organisations of the church are working well, and the congregations are being well maintained. During the month we had the pleasure of a visit from the Rev. C. W. Duncumb of our sister church in Napier. The exchange of ministers is, we feel sure, a benefit both to pastor and people. —R. K.
September 1933
HASTINGS (Rev. E. Nicholls).—During the month the annual meeting of the B.W.M.U. was held; a very happy afternoon was spent, and Mrs C. W. Duncumb, of Napier, gave a very interesting address. During the afternoon a special offering was made for the work of the Union. Our Senior Christian Endeavourers held a social evening recently which took the form of a handkerchief evening; some 60 handkerchiefs were given, and these have been forwarded to our Manurewa Home. We regret to report the death of one of our foundation members, Mrs Agnes Barbour; reference to her life is made in another column. All branches of the church are flourishing; the congregations are being maintained, and our pastor vigorously proclaims the Gospel message each Sunday. The Young People's work is particularly encouraging, and is indeed a credit to the untiring efforts of our pastor and his wife.—R. K.
October 1933
HASTINGS, Hawke's Bay (Rev. E. Nicholls).— The Sunday School, under Mr Colin Murray, is making a special drive for a large attendance. The children are very enthusiastic over the shield and banner system. Mr J. Bewley is training the children for the anniversary. The loyal band of workers who journey to Pukahou each Sunday is encouraged by the growing numbers in our branch Sunday School there. The united Bible Classes had the pleasure of a talk from Mr Milner on September 9. Our church services have been well attended. A visit of the brothers and sisters of the Loyal Orange Lodges was a special feature of the month. The Rev. C. W. Duncumb, of Napier, gave a telling address on "The Principles and Purpose of Protestantism." Mr Dawson, of Australia, occupied the pulpit on September 2 in the evening, and Mrs Dawson sang. The occasional pulpit exchange with the pastor from our parent church at Napier is quite a feature of our church life and has drawn the two churches together. We are justly proud of our choir. Under the able conductorship of Mr J. Bewley, our choir and friends rendered a special concert in the municipal assembly hall, the proceeds of which were devoted to the Mayor's unemployment fund. Hastings music lovers were loud in their praise of our effort for a worthy cause. A number are inquiring for baptism. Our pastor is ever on the alert; his message is faithful and fervent Sunday by Sunday. We lose a good worker and our church reporter in the transfer of Mr Reg. Keenan back to Christchurch. Mr Milner was given an attentive hearing by a good audience on September 12. His lantern talk on the mission work of Egypt and the Sudan was appreciated by all.
December 1933
HASTINGS (Rev. E. Nicholls).—The weeks have been filled with activities. Every department has been busy. The choir, under the baton of Mr Bewley, gave a concert, which was appreciated by a large audience, and choir funds were augmented considerably. Our pastor returned from Conference full of enthusiasm for new splendid endeavour for Christ and His Kingdom. We were heartened and helped by Conference reports given by our delegates. Mr Nicholls visited Feilding, one of his early scenes of work, for their anniversary services. We had the pleasure of a visit from the Rev. J. Gilbert. The outstanding feature of the monthly news is the thankoffering of our people for the work of God. On a vote of the church we abandoned the usual sale of work and launched out into the depths of faith. The move was handsomely taken up. At a congregational social the gifts were opened, and we were rewarded with the sum of £55. The meeting rose and sang the doxology for such generous response in these times of stringency. The Rev. M. W. P. Lascelles, our Union secretary, was at the meeting, and we appreciated a word from him on the wonderful spiritual progress of the Dominion Baptists' Movement. On Sunday, November 12, the children held their anniversary services. The singing by the children under Mr Bewley as conductor and assisted by a fine orchestra was appreciated by large congregations at three services. The Rev. Mr Duncumb preached in the morning. The Rev. C. Tanner, of the Anglican Church, spoke in the afternoon, and our own pastor at night. The singing was so helpful that it is being repeated a second Sunday. There is a big spiritual movement in the church. A baptismal service is being arranged, for many are inquiring not only the way of salvation, but also the way of complete surrender and obedience.