Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—We rejoice at the fine spiritual tone existing in our church due to our ministers inspiring messages. A series of morning talks on the Beatitudes has been most helpful. We had the joy of welcoming three young folk into church membership. Our Senior C.E. is a live organisation and its influence is being widely felt. Bible Class Sunday was a happy day for all. Commencing with a well attended early prayer meeting, the special meetings of the day were of a high order. A large gathering of young people sat down to tea, after which Mr V. L. Westerman gave a much-appreciated address. The evening service was conducted by four of our young men, who testified to the saving and keeping power of our Lord. After its first year of activities among the men of the church the Men's Brotherhood has gone into recess. We extend to Mrs and Miss Turner our deepest sympathy at the home-call of Mr W. Turner, a foundation member of our church, a life deacon, and for many years church secretary.—P. W. L.


February 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—We step into another year with rejoicing for past blessings and the prayer that 1938 will see greater things done for our Lord. Our annual appeal this year was for Church improvements, and the sum of £45 was gladly given. Our "thanksgiving" social was held following the appeal. Musical items, games, competitions, followed by supper, brought a happy evening to a close. Christmas services were of a bright and helpful character. The choir rendered Christmas anthems, and appropriate addresses were given by our minister. A well-attended church picnic, held on the banks of the Tuki Tuki River on Boxing Day, was very successful. Our Sunday School and Bible Classes are in recess during January.—P. W. L.


March 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Splendid congregations greeted our minister's return from holiday on his first Sunday. We are indebted to Messrs H. H. Burns, Alex. Whitton, A. E. Morgan, and R. E. Barley for supplying our pulpit during January. A visit from our former pastor, Rev. E. Nicholls was much appreciated. A full church welcomed Mr Nicholls at an evening service. Our pastor has commenced a series of morning addresses on "The Holy Spirit." All organisations are in full swing for another year. We are sad to record the death of Mr Arch Turner, for many years our church auditor. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs Turner and family.—P. W. L.


April 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Wide interest was created when the Hastings triplets, daughters of Mr and Mrs J. Anderson, were dedicated. Mr and Mrs F. Hall also had the joy of bringing their baby girl to be dedicated to the Master. "Family pew" service was a happy one for the large congregation that attended. Mr Boggis preached a powerful sermon on the responsibility of the home. Our annual business meeting was largely attended, members being keenly interested in the King's business. Reports from all organisations showed the work healthy. Due chiefly to our duplex envelope system, nearly £1000 has been given during the year from all sources. Our secretary, who for a number of years has given of his best to the church, was heartily thanked for his services. Our valued treasurer, Mr W. Kean, was complimented. Special mention was made of Mr Boggis's loyal service and faithful preaching. Messrs A. E. Morgan and H. G. Beilby were elected to fill vacancies on the diaconate. Our thanks are due to Messrs J. Gwyn and F. Taylor for service rendered as deacons. Supper handed round by the ladies was much appreciated. The Women's Guild arranged a social afternoon to say good-bye to Mrs Sisson on the eve of her departure for a trip to the Old Land. Fellow-members presented Mrs Sisson with a travelling rug and cushion. A social afternoon was arranged for mothers of the S.S. and Cradle Roll children. A musical programme was arranged and afternoon tea handed round. We are sorry to report the severe illness of Mr A. H. Simms, and pray for his speedy recovery.— P. W. L.


May 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our Men's Brotherhood commenced activities for the year with a lantern lecture on "This New Zealand of Ours," ably given by Rev. R. B. Gosnell. A Bible Class concert, organised by Mr Les Spurdle to assist our young folk to go to our Easter camps, was much appreciated. A visit from Dr R. V. Bingham was a rare treat. Our combined Bible Classes held a rally, which was addressed by Mr Doug. Neilson. A tea followed, at which a happy time was spent in testimony and praise. Harvest festival services were bright and inspiring. The display of fruit and vegetables was very tastefully arranged by a band of willing workers. We again render thanks to the Lord of the harvest. Mr Boggis preached appropriate messages. Special anthems by the choir were much appreciated. The proceeds of the sale of goods was forwarded to Manurewa Home. Mrs J. W. Kemp delighted her B.W.M.U. listeners with her cheery message. Her lantern lecture on "The Life of Christ" was a spiritual treat. On the occasion of our Senior C.E. ninth anniversary the Lord's Day was commenced with an early-morning prayer meeting. Our minister was assisted in the morning's service by Endeavourers. Miss K. Hobbs and Mr A. Gammon spoke on the C.E. motto. We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for answered prayer on behalf of our brother, Mr A. H. Simms, and pray he may be speedily restored to health and strength again.—P. W. L.


June 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—The most important event of the month has been our Week of Prayer and Self-denial. Meetings were held at the church and cottage meetings. Owing to climatic conditions (this being our flood week) numbers were not as we would have liked, but those who attended received a blessing. The giving of our people was splendid (£63), beating our record of last year. "To God be the glory." Mother's Day was marked by very helpful services. The morning service was especially impressive, our minister preaching an appropriate address to a large congregation. One of the young ladies followed her Lord through the waters of baptism at an evening service. Mr and Mrs Fred Taylor brought their little one to the House of God to dedicate her to the service of the Master. We are pleased to report our prayers have been answered, and our brother, Mr A. H. Simms, has recovered sufficiently to leave hospital. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs S. Curd and family during the serious illness of Mr Curd.


August 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—During our minister's absence on June 5 our pulpit was ably filled by Messrs J. R. Thorpe and R. D. Thompson, to whom we tender our sincere thanks. We are pleased to welcome a former worker, Mr Colin Murray, of Matakohe, into our fellowship again. Our sympathy goes out to Mr and Mrs Fred Hall in the sad loss of their little daughter Nola. God saw fit to pick this little "flower." We had the joy of having our President (Mr F. W. Horner) with us to conduct a morning service. Mr Homer addressed a large gathering at a Bible Class rally and tea, a contingent from Napier being present. His message of personal challenge to youth stirred many hearts. Our twenty-ninth church anniversary was successfully celebrated with a church tea and choir concert. A committee of ladies under the leadership of Mrs J. Bewley worked well to make the tea the success it was. Our choir, assisted by the Karongata Maori Choir and visiting artists, conducted by our choirmaster. Mr J. Bewley, rendered a splendid programme of glees and solos to an appreciative audience. Our heartiest thanks to all who assisted. Marking the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the translation of the Bible into English, our combined Young Women's Bible Classes, to augment their missionary funds, portrayed the history of the Bible 400 years ago to the present time in tableau form. Mrs J. Thorpe, the producer, is to be commended for this splendid effort. Congratulations to all Bible Class members who took part. Mr Boggis is giving a very fine series of evening addresses on the "Ten Commandments" in the life of today. These powerful addresses must bear fruit. Our Men's Brotherhood was fortunate to listen to a most interesting address given by Detective Farquharson, entitled "Pages from a Detective's Notebook." The detective's condemnation of the pictures and lack of home training as the cause of the increase in juvenile crime should make us all think. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr McCoombes, Mrs F. Hill, and Miss F. Morton, and prayerfully commend them to the Great Physician. Satisfactory progress is being made by Mr S. Curd. Praise God for answered prayer.—P. W. L.


September 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—A service of particular interest was held on Sunday morning, July 17, when the Loyal Orange Lodges of Hawke's Bay paraded in splendid muster. Mr Boggis gave a special address on "Why We Are Protestants." We have to report the resignation of Mr J. Bewley as secretary and choirmaster after long service. Mr Bewley filled these positions with distinction and honour to the church, and his counsel and ability will be sadly missed. We are fortunate in securing the services of Mr J. R. H. Thorpe to fill the position of secretary. Mr Thorpe resigned the position of superintendent of the Sunday School owing to his new appointment, and for Mr Colin Murray, his successor, we pray that his work among our young folk may bear much fruit. A series of addresses on "The Ten Commandments" given by our minister have proved most inspiring. A special word of appreciation is due to Mr Boggis. The painting of our Church and Sunday School buildings has been a wonderful improvement. To all who have assisted we say a big "Thank you." We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for answered prayer on behalf of several of our members who have been sick.—P. W. L.


October 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—A high spiritual tone exists in our Senior Christian Endeavour meetings. Members recently spent a happy social hour in expressing greetings to one of their members, Mr Colin Turner, on his coming of age. A little gift was appreciated. A Bible Class rally addressed by Rev. Mr Marshall, of the Presbyterian Church, and a tea following stimulated much interest amongst members. A social gathering of old and present choir members was held to mark Mr Bewley's 17 years' service as choirmaster. His talent, dedicated to the Master, has been much used in the church. As a token of appreciation, the choir presented Mr Bewley with a chiming clock. To mark the anniversary of our brother Andrew Johnston's mission with us September has been set aside as a missionary month. The evening services have been of a special evangelistic nature. Mr Boggis' Gospel messages have gone home with power to all. It is with deep sorrow we have to record the home-call of Mr F. Offin at the age of 85 years as the result of being knocked down by a motor car. Our brother was a faithful member of the church, and during his long membership strived in many ways to do his part for the extension of Christ's Kingdom. To Mrs Offin and her two sons we tender our sincere sympathy. Our Christian love goes out to Mrs A. Morgan, who has been sick for a long period. Although frail, she is a bright witness for her Master.—P. W. L.


November 1938

HASTINGS has had heart-searching messages from its minister, Rev. C. B. Boggis. Spring flower services held; also young men's missionary effort. Men's Brotherhood addressed by Mr H. Whitecliff. A social held to honour Mr J. Bewley and a presentation made in view of his long term as church secretary. A lantern lecture given by Mr J. S. Muir, of China Inland Mission.


December 1938

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our pulpit was ably occupied by Rev. W. E. Lambert and Mr H. H. Burns on October 30. Mr N. C. Lumsden, of the Unevangelised Fields Mission, has delivered a very interesting lantern lecture on "Brazil". Parents' afternoon, organised by the Sunday School teachers, was a huge success. Musical items and floral demonstration, followed by afternoon tea, brought to a close a profitable afternoon. We are indebted to Miss A. Simms for her faithful service every week in decorating God's house. Mr W. Kean occupied our pulpit at a morning's gathering, and gave a very encouraging report of the recent Assembly. On the eve of their approaching wedding the choir entertained Miss J. Gigg and Mr M. Bewley, both choir members, at a social evening. A suitable presentation was made, with the wish for future happiness. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs F. Hill and Mrs A. E. Morgan. We pray the Master's presence may be realised in a very special way.—P. W. L.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.