January 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our Sunday School anniversary services were held under happy conditions. The singing by the scholars, assisted by the choir, was of a very high order, and reflected credit on the conductor, Mr J. Bewley. The services were conducted by Rev. Rex. Goldsmith, Rev. C. Olds, and our own minister, who delivered appropriate messages to large congregations. The church was prettily decorated by Miss Simms and her helpers. We are grateful for a hearty response to our annual church effort, which was coupled with the Union appeal. Two very pretty weddings were solemnised in the church—those of Mr M. Bewley and Miss J. Grigg, and Mr Ivan Hill and Miss Kitt. We wish the couples much joy and happiness. Mr W. Kean occupied our pulpit at a morning's gathering, and gave a comprehensive report of Assembly meetings. Our Men's Brotherhood invited lady friends to their final gathering of the year. A fine collection of moving pictures screened by Mr Norman Davidson was much enjoyed. Musical items and supper ended a happy evening. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr Duke Maddox and Mrs W. Irwin and pray for them a speedy recovery to health.—C. W. L.
February 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Christmas services were bright and helpful. The choir, under the baton of Miss B. McHutchon, rendered appropriate music, and the Christmas message by our minister was much appreciated. A well-attended combined Bible Class tea was addressed by Rev. Rex Goldsmith, whose message for youth was opportune. We were pleased to have the assistance of Rev. G. T. Beilby, M.A., at several meetings during his vacation. Parents attended in good numbers and enjoyed the various items given by the scholars at the Sunday School prize-giving. Mrs Boggis presented the prizes, and our superintendent, Mr C. Murray, gave a helpful talk, which ended a happy afternoon. The members of our Young People's Worshippers' League were presented their prizes by Miss N. Robson at a morning service. Mr Herbert McGregor received a warm welcome to our pulpit during our minister's absence on holiday. Mr McGregor's enthusiasm and vigour for things worthwhile has gripped our people. A pretty wedding was solemnised, the contracting parties Mr C. Bewley and Miss J. Stevenson, highly respected members of the church. The future home of Mr and Mrs C. Bewley is to be at Waipukurau. We are sorry to report the illness of Miss E. Simms, and pray for her a speedy recovery.—P. W. L.
April 1939
HASTINGS: Rev C. B. Boggis — We were sorry to bid farewell to Mr Hector McGregor after his month's ministry with us. At a farewell social arranged by the Senior Christian Endeavour a small token of appreciation was given him. We were pleased to welcome back our minister after his vacation, and pray that 1939 may be wrought with much blessing. Our Family Pew Sunday was a happy day; a large congregation gathered to worship at the morning service. Members attended in good numbers for our annual church meeting. Our secretary read a comprehensive report of the activities of the church, for which we have much to give God thanks. Our treasurer's statement revealed a healthy financial condition, £900 having been contributed from all sources during the year. Our treasurer's ability is to be commended. We are indebted to Miss Simms and her workers for decorating the house of God each Lord's Day. We extend our Christian sympathy to Mrs Halstead during the serious illness of her daughter Joyce, also to Mrs R. D. Sutherland in the serious illness of her husband. It is with deep regret we have to report the Home call of Mrs F. Mill after a weary illness borne with Christian fortitude. To Mr Hill and family we extend our deepest sympathy.—P. W. L.
May 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our harvest festival services were very successful. The display of fruit and produce was tastefully arrayed, and gave much pleasure. Mr Boggis preached appropriate addresses to large congregations. Special harvest music rendered by the choir was much appreciated. Manurewa Home will benefit from the sale of the gifts. Our church was filled for our Faster morning service, when the girls of the Wellington district camp attended. The choir seats were occupied by the "camp choir." An impressive service concluded with the Lord's Supper. A visit from Colonel F. J. Miles created much interest. The colonel addressed two well-attended meetings. Our prayer meeting shows signs of revived interest due to our minister's efforts to get the "prayer habit" amongst our people. We are indebted to Mr J. Duncan, of Berhampore, who officiated at our organ for one of our Easter services.—P. W. L.
June 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—An inspiring innovation to our evening service following the return of our Bible Class members from camp was a say-so service, when many, both old and young, testified to the saving and keeping power of the Saviour. On Bible Sunday Mr Boggis preached a powerful address on "The Bible and the Nation," to an appreciative audience. A lantern lecture by Miss Turner, of the Syrian mission, impressed all with the urgency of the work. Our Men's Brotherhood has commenced activities for the year with a talk by Mr J. Thorpe on "Deep Sea Fishing." Mother's Day was kept with white flowers and an appropriate address. We are pleased to report a very happy baptismal service, when seven young people followed their Lord through the waters of baptism. We are sorry to report the home call of Mr McHutchon, father of our choirmistress. Our deepest sympathy goes out to members of the family.—P. W. L.
July 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our Week of Prayer and Self-denial was a very rich experience to many in our church. A well-attended Bible Class tea, addressed by Rev. Mr Olds, did much to stimulate interest among our young folk. A fancy dress social organised by the Young Women's Bible Classes to assist them in their missionary quota was held recently. Two of our friends have followed our Lord in His appointed way. At a recent Communion service seven new members were welcomed into membership—two by transfer and five by baptism.—P. W. L.
August 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—A church parade of the St. John Ambulance Association was mutually beneficial. Well attended meetings greeted our missionary, Miss E. Coad. Rev. B. M. Eade occupied our pulpit at a recent morning service. They gave encouraging messages, which roused our folk to greater effort. During Mr Boggis's absence in Wellington our pulpit was ably occupied by Major Tong (Salvation Army) and Rev. Rex Goldsmith, to whom our thanks are due. We pray for the speedy recovery to health of two of our deacons, Messrs A. E. Morgan and D. Maddox. The 1st and 2nd companies of the Hastings Boys' Brigade, under Captains F. Hawkes and G. Wallace, attended church parade in goodly numbers. Corporal D. Bowler read the lesson, and our minister addressed the boys on "A Call to Heroism."—P. W. L.
September 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Despite wintry conditions, the attendances at worship have been well maintained. Our minister is giving a series of interesting addresses on "The Seven Deadly Sins." At our Men's Brotherhood Mr W. H. Walker gave an instructive talk on "The Glory of the Garden." We were pleased to welcome into membership two new members through baptism. Our best wishes go to Miss Elsie Leipst, who has joined the staff of our memorial hospital. It was with regret that Mr Colin Murray's resignation as superintendent of our Sunday School was accepted. Mr Murray has left us for Matakohe, and we pray his work for the Master there will be richly blessed. Mr F. H. Thetford, who for some years has ably filled the position as secretary, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. A pretty wedding was solemnised in the church when Mr Ray Baker was married to Miss Hazel Marden. The choir presented to our friends a silver teapot, with good wishes for their future happiness. Our Christian sympathy goes out to Mr Les Spurdle in the illness of his mother, and to Mrs R. D. Sutherland during the prolonged illness of her husband.—P. W. L.
October 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—It is with grateful hearts that we report a warm spiritual atmosphere in our church: God, indeed, has been good and blessed us in so many ways. We were privileged to have Mr Eric Johnston, of the Ceylon and India Mission, give us his lantern lecture. Mr A. Jolly gave the Men's Brotherhood an interesting talk on his recent American tour. After several years of faithful service Mr W. Kean has resigned his position as leader of the Junior Boys' Bible Class, and Mr A. Gammon has filled the vacancy. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs W. Harden, and pray for her a speedy recovery to health. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Miss McHutchon, our choirmistress, in the loss of her mother.—C. W. L.
November 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—We are thankful to friends who made it possible to purchase a more up-to-date ear for our minister for use in his pastoral work. Our thanks are due to Mr J. Bewley for temporarily filling the position as choirmaster. At a social evening given by the choir our choirmistress was presented with a silver-mounted baton as a mark of esteem. Our minister is giving a helpful series of morning addresses on the Book of Nehemiah. Youth Sunday commenced with a powerful early morning prayer meeting. A Bible Class rally, followed by a well attended tea, was addressed by Mr J. Henderson, whose stirring message will long be remembered. We mourn the passing of our oldest church member. Miss E. Horton, who was called "home" at the ripe age of 82 years. Our sympathy goes out to Mr Les Spurdle in the home-call of his father. We wish Mrs W. McKenzie and Miss Jones a speedy recovery to health again.—P. W. L.
December 1939
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our Sunday School anniversary was a happy day. Sunshine outside and a beautifully decorated church within helped the scholars in the singing of their special hymns, under the baton of Miss B. McHutchon, with Mr W. Kean at the organ. The Primary Department added to the beauty of the day with items. Rev. J. W. Marshall conducted the morning service, and our minister the evening; their messages to the scholars were keenly listened to. During the week a S.S. tea and romp completed a successful event. Mr Boggis is conducting an evening series of addresses on "Our Lord's Return," which is creating much interest. During our minister's absence at Keswick meetings at Palmerston North our pulpit was ably occupied by Messrs R. D. Thompson and I. Milner, to whom our thanks are due. We were pleased to welcome into membership Mr and Mrs A. Price on transfer from Napier. Our Men's Brotherhood was addressed by Messrs Ralph Barley on "Clothing," and D. Neilson on "Bread." An instructive and amusing evening was spent. A party of our Bible Class members journeyed to Otane to assist in a combined rally. Messrs D. Maddox and I. Milner addressed the gathering, and solos were rendered by Miss J. Lascelles and Mr Les Spurdle. Our sympathy goes to Miss E. Sims in her illness; we pray for her a speedy return to health.—P. W. L.