Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—We give thanks to God for the generous response given by our people for our combined effort for the Union appeal and our church annual thank-offering. Much blessing was received by those who attended the prayer meetings prior to our offering being received. We were pleased to welcome Mr Alan Tucker, of the Egyptian General Mission. Mr Tucker conducted a morning service, and also gave an interesting lantern lecture. We were glad to receive Mr I. Milner into membership on transfer from Roslyn. Our young folk tendered Miss Neta Robson a "kitchen" evening on the eve of her approaching wedding. Miss Robson has done yeoman service for the church in many departments. A well-attended parade of the Hastings No. 1 and No. 2 companies of the Boys' Brigade, under Captains F. Hawke and G. Wallace, took place at a morning service. It is with sincere regret that we received the resignation of Mr Boggis after six years of faithful service. He has given of his best. Men's lives have been touched, and our finances have never been in such a healthy condition. We pray for him many happy years of ministry at Point Chevalier. A baptisma1 service was held, at which one of our young men publicly witnessed for Jesus Christ.—P. W. L.


February 1940

HASTINGS: Vacant.—A report of Mr Boggis's farewell appears elsewhere. His last Sunday amongst us was a day long to be remembered. Powerful addresses to large congregations for the close of his happy and useful ministry were given. Our Men's Brotherhood closed its meetings for the year with a wind-up social, at which the ladies were invited. Our choir, under the baton of Miss B. McHutchon, with Mr W. Kern at the organ, gave an enjoyable Christmas concert, proceeds of which are to be donated to Manurewa Home. Christmas services were of a happy nature. Our minister preached appropriate messages, and there were carols from the choir. A carol party consisting of a number of our young folk gave much pleasure to those homes privileged to hear them. On a recent Sunday morning Mr and Mrs W. Bentley and Mr and Mrs R. A. Taylor brought their babes to God's house to be dedicated. The Senior Christian Endeavour members are receiving much joy and pleasure by holding their meetings at various homes of our people during January. A pretty wedding was solemnised in our church, when our minister united in matrimony Mr Selwyn Baker and Miss Neta Robson. Both bride and bridegroom have been splendid workers in most organisations of our church, and what is our loss will be the gain of Lower Hutt which will be the future home of the happy couple. We were pleased to welcome numerous visitors during the holiday period. Our Christian sympathy goes out to Mrs Bewley, Mr Jones, Mrs Mason, and Miss E. Leipst at the loss of dear ones. May our Heavenly Father bind up the broken hearts. We look forward with great eagerness to the coming of our new minister and his wife. Rev. and Mrs Hayes Lloyd.—P. W. L.


March 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. Hayes Lloyd.—We are grateful to the following friends who so ably supplied our pulpit during January: Messrs R. D. Thompson, I. Milner, and J. H. Thorp. We had the pleasure of listening to a former pastor of our church. Rev. E.Nicholls. A full church greeted our friend, whose telling message spoke to all our hearts. To commence our Bible Class year, the first Sunday in February was a special day for our classes. A well attended early morning prayer meeting, held in Cornwall Park, inspired all who were present. A rally, followed by a young people's tea, at which Mr R. D. Thompson spoke with much power, concluded a happy day. We are privileged to have Student F. Sherburd to conduct our services during February. He is a young man who preaches the old-time religion. We pray for Mrs R. D. Sutherland, now in hospital, a speedy recovery to health. One of our aged members, Mrs Craven, has been called home. We pray the Father's comfort for members of the family.—P. W. L.


April 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. F. Hayes Lloyd.—A report of the welcome services of our minister will be found elsewhere. The closing services of Mr Foster Sherburd's short ministry resulted in a rich harvest, several publicly confessing Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Mr Sherburd rendered splendid service. Our Youth Departments are actively engaged in doing their share to liquidate our church debt. Well done! A good number of members attended our annual church meeting presided over by Mr A. Sims. Reports from all branches showed the work in a healthy condition. Our finances give much to encourage. God indeed has been good. Election of officers resulted as follows:—Secretary. Mr J. H. R. Thorpe; treasurer, Mr W. Kean; Messrs D. Neilson and R. Baker were elected to fill the vacancies on the diaconate. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs S. N. Haymes and family in the home call of Mr Haymes. May the Great Comforter be their constant companion.—P.W. L.


May 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. F. Hayes Lloyd.—March was a happy month in our church work. Our new minister and his wife have received a warm welcome into our midst, and we feel the days ahead are full of promise. A visit from Miss Cowles, who addressed several gatherings, added interest to our missionary work. Large congregations attended our harvest festival services, which were most successful. The harvest display, special items by the choir, and appropriate sermons added to the beauty of the day. A church social was held on the following evening at which opportunity was given to sell the harvest gifts, proceeds of which have been forwarded to Manurewa Home. We were favoured with a number of visitors for Easter Sunday. A combined Bible Class rally addressed by Mr Lloyd and followed by tea added zest to our young people. We wish the members of our youth effort every success in their endeavour to rise to their financial objective. A successful afternoon, organised by the teachers to give parents an opportunity to meet Mr and Mrs Lloyd, was well attended. A shoulder spray was presented to Mrs Lloyd. Gifts for the oldest mother present and grandmother with most grandchildren, musical items, and a talk by Mr Lloyd, followed by afternoon tea, brought a happy gathering to a conclusion. After much prayer and thought, it has been decided to change our Sunday School to the morning, and we trust this will prove beneficial. We were privileged to have the Rev. and Mrs G. C. Reay worshipping with us on a recent Sunday morning. Mr Reay gave a stirring message, and was supported by Mrs Reay's message in song. Our monthly service at Pukahu has commenced another year—P. W. L.


June 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. Hayes Lloyd.—Our quarterly meeting was well attended by members eager for the advance of Christ's Kingdom. Mesdames V. Westerman, R. Edridge, and H. Paynter were added to the ranks of the deaconesses. All departments report a healthy condition. A well-attended church parade of Nos. 1 and 2 companies of Hastings Boys' Brigades, under Captains F. Hawkes and G. Wallace, attended morning service. An inspiring baptismal service, at which six candidates publicly confessed Christ, was a splendid witness of our faith. We are glad to report several conversions. To God be the glory. Our Week of Prayer was marked with added zeal for our work at home and in India. Cottage and other meetings were arranged, and the prayer spirit was much in evidence. Our self-denial gift amounted to £90. Mr Lloyd is giving a series of talks on "The Crises of the Christ" at our prayer meeting, which, we are pleased to report, is growing in popularity. Our minister gave two powerful addresses on "Tithing" which we trust will bear fruit. We rejoice with our young people that their effort to help liquidate our church debt amounted to £64. We wish our badminton club a happy season. A mother's night, arranged by the Senior Christian Endeavour, was much appreciated by young and old. A happy crowd accepted an invitation to the manse for an after-church sing-song for the young people. On Mother's Day we were privileged to have a visit from our Union President. Rev. S. W Duncumb. Our sympathy goes out to the relatives of the late Mrs Knipe, to Mr Les. Spurdle in the loss of his mother, and Miss Elsie Leipst in the home call of her grandfather. We rejoice and give thanks to God for answered prayer in restoring little Laura Hall to her dear ones.—P. W. L.


July 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. Hayes Lloyd.—We are happy to report increased attendances at our Sunday services, and that all branches of the work are making steady progress. The changeover of our Sunday School from afternoon to morning has been a huge success, and new scholars are being welcomed every Sunday. A largely attended combined Bible Class tea at which the deacons and their wives were invited, was a most happy gathering. We rejoice to report that our self-denial effort has now reached £103. A well-attended conference of the Boys' Brigade held during June 3 weekend gave added zeal to our local company. A church parade, at which members of the Brigade took part in the service, was appropriately addressed by our Pastor. A successful B.W.M.U. afternoon was held, at which sister guilds of the town were invited. Our sympathy goes out to Mr A. Stevenson and family during the serious illness of Mrs Stevenson. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs R. Baker and Mr and Mrs Bell in the gift of a son and daughter respectively.—P. W. L.


August 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. Hayes Lloyd.—A good attendance of members gathered for our quarterly church meeting. The financial statement showed a marked increase in our giving, for which we give thanks to God. We are pleased to report conversions. Three dedication services have been held during the month. Our Men's Brotherhood was privileged to listen to a masterly address by Mr V. L. Westerman on "The Fight for Democracy as I See It." Patriotic gambling was boldly preached on by our pastor, as also "The Fifth Column in the Church." This address caused deep heart-searching for us all. Our Sunday School has justified the change over to the morning by the increase of scholars and interest. We are glad to unite in the united church prayer meetings addressed by the local ministers, which are held in the different churches every Sunday afternoon. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs A. Stevenson, Mr J. Palmer, and Mrs A. Morgan during their trying illnesses.—P. W. L.


September 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. Hayes Lloyd.—Our church gladly released its pastor to conduct missions at Royal Oak and Sandringham. During his absence Student Roland Hart is ably supplying. A visit from Miss Gainsford was of special interest. Her talk to the B.W.M.U. on our Indian work was the most encouraging they have listened to for some time. Our thirty-first church anniversary services were highly successful and of a happy nature. Large congregations attended both services, which were addressed by our pastor and Rev. P. F. Lanyon, whose subject, "Loyalty to the Church," was forcibly pressed home. At a Bible Class rally, followed by a tea, the members were addressed by Mr Lanyon; his talk on "Ideals," combined with personal experience in India and Australia, left a deep impression. Mr Lanyon met the men of the church the following evening. Our anniversary services were continued during the week with our family tea and choir concert. In spite of a wet night, many sat down to tea. An excellent concert followed, under the baton of our choirmistress, Miss B.McHutchon, with Mr W. Kean at the piano. We have decided to refrain from selling tickets for any church functions, and go on "faith" lines. As a commencement to our decision, our anniversary tea and concert was free, a collection being taken up. Our "faith" was rewarded, and, in spite of the inclemency of the weather £7 10s was contributed for our choir funds. Following an appeal from Mr Lloyd for a piano for use in the Sunday School, a lady friend has kindly lent her instrument indefinitely. A visit from Mr Peter Tate, of Palmerston North, who spoke at our Senior C.E., was much enjoyed by all present. At our last broadcast service two young men responded to the appeal made by Mr Lloyd to follow Jesus Christ. A sympathetic listener at Napier kindly donated Bibles to be given to these converts. A social arranged by the Bibles Classes, with Mr Les Spurdle as M.C., to say farewell to one of its members, Private E. Morgan, on the eve of his return to camp, was most successful. A presentation of a safety razor was much appreciated. We pray for Mr A. Sims a speedy recovery to health again. Our sincere sympathy goes to Mr A. Stevenson and family in the sad loss of Mrs Stevenson. We pray for them God's comfort— P. W. L.


October 1940

HASTINGS: Rev. H. Lloyd.—We have received the staggering news that our pastor had tendered his resignation after so short a pastorate with us. Mr Lloyd has done splendid work. Much blessing was received from the messages of Student Roland Hart, who occupied our pulpit during Mr Lloyd's absence in Auckland. We were privileged to have a visit from Mr Howard Knight, who conducted an evening service. A combined Bible Class tea and rally was also addressed by Mr Knight, and his lantern lecture was well attended. A concert organised by our Boys' Brigade Company was highly successful. The resignation of Miss B. McHutchon as choirmistress was received with regret. Miss McHutchon has rendered splendid service over a period of years in the musical work of the church. As a special effort for mission funds, the ladies of the B.W.M.U. held a happy social gathering which proved most financial.—P. W. L.


November 1940

HASTINGS, the centre of some of the richest country in the Dominion, has a strong Baptist Church. The removal of Rev. and Mrs Hayes Lloyd to Mount Albert after a short stay has left the work pastorless. They were bidden good-bye after a mid-week prayer meeting and other functions. Hearty Youth services were held during B.C. Week, and two recent converts passed through the waters last month. Miss Eileen Lord and Mr G. Kemp were honoured in various ways prior to their marriage. Both are active workers. Miss B. McHutchon, till recently choirmistress, has been the recipient of a presentation. The Church prays for the recovery of Mr A.Sims, at present laid aside, and sympathises with Mr and Mrs McKenzie, Mr Miller, and the Wright family in the home call of their dear ones.


December 1940

HASTINGS: (Vacant).—Our thirtieth Sunday School Anniversary services were most successful and were well attended. The singing of the scholars and choir under the baton of Miss M. Sowersby was of a high order. Miss Sims and her helpers attended to the floral decorations, which were most artistic. Rev. Rex Goldsmith. M.A. conducted the morning service, and Mr Roland Hart the evening. The Sunday School tea was much appreciated by the scholars. The school concert attracted a large gathering. Miss Sowersby received a bouquet as a mark of appreciation. We were delighted to have a former minister, the Rev. H. E. Edridge, occupy our pulpit. A full church of old and new friends gathered. A Bible Class rally and tea was also addressed by Mr Edridge. We have gladly welcomed Mr Roland Hart, of our College, who is to occupy our pulpit pending settlement.—P. W. L.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.