Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1941

HASTINGS (Vacant).—We give thanks to God for the generous response of our people to our own annual appeal, which we combined with the Union effort, £52 being given. A unanimous call to Rev. H. E. Edridge, of Miramar, has been accepted. We look forward with glad anticipation to February, when Mr Edridge takes over. Mr Roland Hart is doing very effective work during the vacancy in our pastorate, and his messages are much appreciated. A well-attended parade of our Boys' Brigade, under Captain Hawkes, listened to a stirring address by Mr Hart. We are sorry to report the continued illness of Mr A. Sims, and pray for him a speedy recovery to health. After a long illness, born with much Christian courage, our sister, Mrs Morgan, has gone to her "great reward." To Mr Morgan and family we extend our Christian sympathy, and pray the Great Comforter may be their portion daily.—P. W. L.


February 1941

HASTINGS: Student Roland Hart (pro tem).—We are looking forward with keen anticipation to the arrival of our new minister, Rev. H. E. Edridge. A feature of our Christmas services was the special singing of the choir under the baton of our choirmaster, Mr J. Bewley. Appropriate messages by Mr Hart were much appreciated. Our Manurewa Home benefitted to the extent of £9 as a result of our carol party, consisting of the junior members of cur choir, who brought the message in song to many homes on Christmas morning. During January senior C.E. members are holding their weekly meetings in the homes of our folk, and these are proving of great interest. A visit from Miss Turner, representing the British Syrian Mission, created much interest. Our deepest sympathy goes to Mr J. H. R. Thorp in the home call of his mother and father, and the serious illness of his wife. We pray for Mr Thorp and family the presence of the Master in their time of trial.—P. W. L.


March 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—A visit from our president Rev. R. L. Fursdon, was much appreciated, and his words of counsel timely. With the commencement of all our activities for 1941 and with our new minister at the helm, supreme loyalty and devotion to our Lord is demanded of all members. An unexpected visit from Rev. Peter Mak, Chinese missioner in Wellington, was enjoyed by all who listened to his message at our week-night prayer meeting. Our Bible Classes commenced their year's work with an early morning prayer meeting and a Bible Class rally addressed by our minister, followed by a tea at which Brigadier Gray, of the Salvation Army, spoke words of hope and encouragement. A social was held to bid farewell to Mr Ian Milner on the eve of his departure for Hutt City. Mr Milner was leader of our Senior C.E., secretary of our Sunday School, and took an active part in our young people's departments. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mr and Mrs C. Higgs and family in the homecall of their son. We pray the Divine Comforter may minister to our friends.—P. W. L.


April 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—Much interest was displayed in our annual church meeting. Reports from all departments showed steady progress. Our finances are in a healthy condition, reflecting sacrificial giving by our people. The duplex envelope system has changed our bank account from an overdraft to a credit balance. Mr D. Neilson resigned from the Deaconate after a number of years of faithful service. The meeting expressed its deep appreciation of his services. Messrs R. E. Barley and G. Wallace were elected to fill vacancies on the Deaconate. Votes of thanks were accorded to all who had helped in any way during the year. Family Pew Sunday was a marked success. A crowded church of eager worshippers gathered to worship and listen to an inspiring address given by our minister. Mr J. Bewley sang with much feeling "The Model Church." A retiring collection for our British Baptists realised £18. We are pleased to have Mr A. Sims back at services after a long illness.—P. W. L.


May 1941

Hastings application for Jubilee Fund loan of £100 endorsed.

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—We are pleased to report increased attendances and added interest at all our gatherings. Our Harvest Festival services were bright, and the messages of "Harvest" left their imprint on the large congregations that assembled. The display of fruit and vegetables was tastefully arranged, and the floral decoration of God's House was much admired. Our Manurewa Home benefited from the sale of gifts to the extent of £10. A visit from the Rev. M. J. and Mrs Eade created missionary enthusiasm, and their stay amongst us was much enjoyed. Mr Eade conducted our morning worship and addressed a men's tea. His lantern lecture was well attended by eager listeners. Our choir, under the baton of Mr J. Bewley, is doing splendid work in the service of song. At our annual choir, social opportunity was taken to welcome the Rev. and Mrs Edridge. Our Boys' Brigade held their annual parents' evening, at which diplomas earned during the year were presented. We are happy to welcome back to God's House Mrs J. Thorpe after a long illness. Our loving sympathy goes out to the relations and friends of the late Mr J. Ballard and Mrs H. Ladbrook. May our Heavenly Father comfort those that mourn.—P. W. L.


June 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—With heartfelt thankfulness toward our Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the receipt of £110 through our self-denial gifts. Those who were privileged to attend the special meetings, conducted both at the church and in selected homes, experienced great spiritual blessing. At our quarterly members' meeting, which happened to be our pastor's birthday, Mr J. Bewley assured him of our affection. The ladies prepared a birthday cake as a surprise. "Camp Echoes" were given at the morning service after Easter, and a B.C. tea stimulated the ex-campers from Marton and Waikanae and others to greater efforts. An eager congregation gathered on Mothers’ Day to listen to a powerful address by our minister on "Honour Thy Mother." Missionary activities are not being permitted to languish, and a visit from Mr R. Story, of the Unevangelised Fields Mission, who exhibited lantern slides depicting work in Papua, stimulated interest—P. W. L.

P.S. by the Church Secretary: At the annual church meeting, when Mr P. W. Lascelles (our Baptist correspondent) resigned from the Deaconate, a vote of appreciation for his many years of service was passed. Mr Lascelles has served the church not only as deacon but in a host of other ways since its inception. He was first appointed deacon in 1918.—J. R. H.T.


July 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—The church has celebrated its thirty-first anniversary. At the conclusion of the tea a comprehensive survey of the Baptist Auxiliary meetings was given by Mr Throp, who was representative, and later a few comments covering church work generally were addressed by Mr A. H. Sims. Mr Beilby, speaking on behalf of the congregation, expressed heartfelt appreciation of the labours of our pastor and his wife, and mentioned the fact that Mr Edridge had created an atmosphere of love and warmth, of friendliness and peacefulness within the church. Two companies of Boys' Brigade, under the leadership of Captain Hawkes and Captain Wallace, paraded in appreciable attendance at a morning service. On invitation from our own B.C., classes from other denominations were present at a Bible Class rally, Rev. Rex Goldsmith being the main speaker. Sympathy is extended to Mrs Kean, who has been on the sick list for some time.—P. W. L.


August 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—Deep regret has been felt at the illness of our pastor, who underwent an operation recently. We are pleased to welcome Rev. R. W. Fursdon, of England, who is to supply in the absence of Mr Edridge. The General Secretary of the Baptist Union, Rev. P. F. Lanyon, while visiting Hastings, met with the deacons at tea in the manse and conducted the following Sunday morning service. Rev. Rex Goldsmith, M.A., of Napier, occupied the pulpit on the evening service broadcast from 2YH. A presentation from the choir was made to Miss Olive Nelson on the eve of her marriage, and also to Mr Leicester Kemp, who has entered an overseas training camp. A visit from Miss Bradfield who exhibited slides at a lantern lecture was welcomed and appreciated.—P. W. L.


September 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for answering our prayers on behalf of our minister, Mr Edridge, who is now well on the road to recovery. A lantern lecture given by Mr Roy Heslop, of the General India Mission, warmed our interest in this field. A combined young peoples' rally and tea, at which a large contingent from Napier attended, was a very happy gathering. Messrs Harry Beckett and Leicester Kemp were farewelled before leaving for overseas. Presentations were made to each. Two of our young folk, Miss Rosa Downes and Mr Eric Clark, have been united in matrimony.—P. W. L.


October 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—The provision of more powerful electric light bulbs and new shades has made for a cheery atmosphere in our evening services. It was with deep appreciation of excellent service rendered, that we said goodbye to Rev. R. W. Fursdon after occupying our pulpit during our pastor's illness. We rejoice to have Rev. Edridge back in his pulpit. A presentation was made at a social to farewell Private Ted Church, who has gone overseas. A visit from Mrs S. N. Newnham, of the Poona Mission, who addressed our weekly meeting was appreciated. Happy to receive two new members into the membership. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Howard Paynter and Mr and Mrs W. Bentley on a son and daughter respectively. Glad to report improved health conditions in Mrs Baker and Mr Chappell—P. W. L.


November 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—A crowded hall welcomed Miss F. E. Kershaw when she presented her lantern lecture "Down on the Danube." Our Missionary Funds will benefit as a result of this effort. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ray Baker on the birth of a daughter. We regret to report the illness of Mesdames C. Rawlings and Harding.—P. W. L.


December 1941

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—Our Sunday School anniversary was an outstanding success. The singing of the children under the baton of Mr J. Bewley was of a very high order. The church was tastefully decorated by Miss Sims and her helpers. The services attracted large congregations, and were conducted by our minister, whose messages were a source of inspiration to all. The anniversary tea and concert gave much pleasure to young and old. Our thanks are due to Major Mahaffie of the S.A., and Mr H. H. Burns for their services during our minister's absence at conference. Christmas parcels have been sent to the boys overseas. Mr Edridge is busily engaged in visitation work, which is bearing fruit. in strangers attending church. We were sorry to say farewell to Mr Charlie Rawlings who has left us for military camp. A pretty wedding was solemnised in the church, when Miss Gwen Schofield was married to Mr R. Larrington. On the eve of their approaching wedding a "kitchen" evening was arranged for Mr Les Spurdle and Miss Muriel Gigg by the young people. The choir also held a social function, at which a silver teapot was presented to

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.