Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1942

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—It is with grateful hearts to Almighty God that we report the record sum of £90 for our combined church and November appeal. Our minister preached a powerful address on "What Baptists Stand For," at the conclusion of which six candidates publicly witnessed in the waters of baptism. We thank God for added interest shown. A pretty wedding was solemnised by Rev. H. E. Edridge, when Mr Les Spurdle and Miss Muriel Gigg were united in wedlock. The church was decorated by friends of the bride. Both young folk are ardent workers in the church activities. We regret the serious illness of our church secretary. Mr J. Thorp, and pray for him a speedy recovery to health. Boys' Brigade held their "wind up" for the year, at which parents attended to listen to an interesting programme. Our deepest sympathy goes to Mr and Mrs Archie Taylor in the sad loss of their little son.—P. W. L.


February 1942

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—A carol party consisting of a number of our young folk brought the Christmas message in song to many homes, and their efforts were rewarded by £11, which has been sent to our Manurewa Home. Anthems and carols rendered by the choir added to the brightness of our Christmas services, and our minister's cheery and helpful messages were a source of inspiration to all. A dedication service was held, when Mr and Mrs W. Bentley, Mr and Mrs Ray Baker, and Mr and Mrs More-Smith brought their little ones to God's house. Social evenings have been held to farewell several of our boys who have left us for camp, namely, Messrs Albert and Alan Gammon. Eric Downes, and Murray Fowler. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs Eric Palmer in the birth of a son. We are pleased to report improved health condition to Mr A. Morgan and Miss Pearl Kemp.—P. W. L.


March 1942

HASTINGS: Rev. H. E. Edridge.—After a restful vacation, our minister has commenced another year of service with us. We give thanks to God for work accomplished during another year, and pray that the difficulties which lie ahead may be overcome with His presence and power. During our minister's absence we were privileged to have Rev. G. T. Beilby. M.A., Messrs Burns, Barley, and Tonycliff occupy our pulpit. Many thanks. Several cottage meetings, which were much appreciated, were held during January by our Christian Endeavour. On the eve of commencing our Sunday School operations for another year, our minister addressed the teachers and workers at our morning's worship, thanking them for their sacrificial service, and commended them to our Heavenly Father. Our Sunday School picnic was a happy function. A young people's social was held to farewell Mr Doug Bewley, who goes into camp. Doug, has been a splendid worker in Sunday School, choir, and Boys' Brigade, and will be sadly missed. We miss Mr V. L. Westerman, who has left us for National Reserve Camp. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs F. Taylor, Mr and Mrs C. McKenzie and Mr and Mrs G. Beattie on the gift each of a little child.— P. W. L.


April 1942

HASTINGS (Vacant).—It is with profound regret that we have to report the sudden collapse in health of our minister, Rev. H. E. Edridge, who has been compelled to lay down the work which is so dear to his heart. During the last few months Mr Edridge has carried out his duties under health difficulties, hoping for renewed vigour, but it was not to be. The loss to our church and denomination is very great. Mr Edridge having given his life to further the cause of Jesus Christ in many of our churches. We pray for him God's presence and healing touch in his time of retirement. At our annual meeting all branches of the work were in good heart, the financial side being very healthy. Messrs A. Sims and F. Taylor were re-elected as deacons, with the addition of Mr George Kemp. Our thanks are due to Mr Duke Maddox, who has retired after many years of service on our Deacons' Board: to Mr D. Neilson as Baptist agent, and to Miss A. Westerman as communion steward. Families were well represented on Family Pew Sunday. We are indebted to the following for ably supplying our pulpit—viz., Rev. Rex Goldsmith, M.A., Messrs H. H. Burns, R. E. Barley, H. Toothill, and L. Paynter. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ivan Hill on the birth of twin sons. Pleased to have Mrs S. Baker worshipping with us again after a long illness. Happy to report improved health to Mrs F. Hall after an operation. We have said farewell to Mr Mort Bewley, who left us for camp: also a young people's social was held to farewell Messrs Gordon Shakespeare and Max Irwin.—P. W. L.


May 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. J. Russell Grave, Minister elect).— We look forward with very much pleasure to the arrival of our new minister, and pray for the Rev. and Mrs Grave God's richest blessing as they plan their new work amongst us. We are indebted to the following who have faithfully served us in the pulpit— viz.: Messrs J. K. Bedbrook, H. W. Toothill. J. H. R. Thorpe, L. Paynter, H. H. Burns and R. Baker. A quiet wedding was solemnised, the contracting parties—Mr A. E. Morgan and Mrs P. Harding—being highly respected members of our church. Congratulations. We pray for Mrs C. Higgs and Miss Dulcie Baker a speedy recovery to health. A sale of Harvest Festival produce from our Sunday School and a retiring collection realised £11 for our Manurewa Home. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs G. Beattie and to Mr and Mrs Sutherland on the birth of a daughter and son respectively.—P. W. L.


June 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. J. Russell Grave, Minister-elect).— We were glad to welcome Student J. Johnstone Burt who is to conduct our services during May. We pray for him much blessing in his work amongst us. Our thanks are due to Messrs J. K. Bedbrook, H. Toothill, A. E. Morgan, Major Mahaffie and Brigadier Smith (of the Salvation Army), who have so willingly assisted us in the pulpit. Our Senior Christian Endeavour is maintaining keen interest among our young people. At the invitation of C.E. members, mothers joined to commemorate Mother's Day when Mrs F. Hawkes read a most interesting paper. Musical items and supper brought a happy gathering to a close. A Bible Class rally, addressed by Mrs Major Mahaffie, of the Salvation Army, on Mother's Day was much appreciated. Our week of prayer and self-denial proved most helpful to all who attended the various meetings arranged. We are happy to report the sum of £104 as our self-denial effort. To God be the glory. We miss Mr John Fear, who has left us for National Reserve Camp, also Mr C. Bewley to a North Island camp. Leave of absence has been granted to our choirmaster. Mr J. Bewley. We pray a speedy recovery to health of several of our sick folk.—P. W. L.


July 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. J. Russell Grave).—Welcome to Rev. and Mrs Grave reported elsewhere. We are extremely grateful to Student J. Johnstone Burt for his month's wholehearted service. Young and old appreciated Mr Burt's sincere ministry. A wedding of widespread interest was solemnised recently, when Mr T. H. Thetford and Mrs M. Halstead were united in holy matrimony. Both are highly respected members and workers of our church. We are indebted to Rev. Rex Goldsmith. M.A., for willing service given during our vacant pastorate. A warm welcome was extended to our President, Mr H. T. Falla, on the occasion of his visit to Hastings. Pleased to report a baptismal service, when two candidates followed their Lord through the waters. We extend our Christian sympathy to Mr J. N. Marriott and family in the homecall of Mrs Marriott, after a long illness born with Christian fortitude. We pray for Mrs C. Rawlings and Mrs J. Anderson a speedy recovery to health. A severe blow has been struck the church with the going to military camp of our church treasurer and organist, Mr N. Kean. Mr and Mrs F. Taylor brought their wee daughter for dedication.— P. W. L.


August 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. Russell Grave).—A largely attended St. John Ambulance parade assembled at our Church, when our minister gave an inspiring address. A visit from Miss Molly Harris, of the Syrian Mission, was much appreciated. Had the joy of witnessing three candidates honour their Lord in the Waters of Baptism, and later link up in membership. We have said goodbye to Mr and Mrs J. Bewley, who have taken up their residence in Palmerston North. For 22 years our friends have been very faithful workers in all branches of our work, Mr Bewley holding the position as choirmaster. Our loss is Palmerston North's gain. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Wallace in the gift of a wee daughter. Mr and Mrs F. Taylor and Mr and Mrs Murtagh brought their little ones for dedication. Mr Graves's address, "Why I Am a Protestant," on Orange Lodge Sunday was powerful and heart searching. Our deepest sympathy goes to Mr A. H. Sims in the sad loss of his brother, and Miss D. Hurst in the horns call of her mother. We pray for a speedy recovery to health of Mr A. E. Morgan and Mrs Robinson. We welcome Private L. Kemp on leave from Suva.—P. W. L.


September 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. Russell Grave).—Our minister is alive to our responsibility for the coming Campaign for Christian Order, and has commenced special studies at our mid-week prayer meeting and a series of Sunday evening addresses. We welcome home Sapper Harry Beckett from Fiji. At a Bible Class tea Harry gave a most interesting address on his experience. It is with much pleasure we have welcomed back Mr and Mrs Dave Armstrong, former members. Rev. E. Nicholls, a former minister of the church, conducted an evening service with much acceptance. Miss Jean Campbell has donated a roll of honour to our church. Many thanks. At the invitation of Mrs Grave, the Senior C.E. gathered at the manse, when a most enjoyable games evening was spent. Glad to report increased attendance at our Sunday School. We pray a speedy recovery to health for Mr J. Hall. Several of our boys serving overseas are reported missing, and to their dear ones we extend our Christian sympathy. We tender our sincere sympathy to Miss Dorothy Potter in the home-call of her father.—P. W. L.


October 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. Russell Grave).—Our minister is delivering a series of addresses on the Campaign for Christian Order which are proving most useful. At the King's request, we held a mid-day prayer meeting, conducted by Mr Grave. Miss Berg of the B. and F. Bible Society addressed our Senior C.E. A most interesting lantern lecture given by Mr J. Nicholson, of the Sudan Mission, added to our missionary zeal. Our thanks are due to Miss A. Sims for her untiring service in the decorating of God's house. Our annual social, although marred by wet weather was a very happy function. Two more of our men—Messrs F. Hall and R. Stevenson—have left us for military camps. A wedding of widespread interest was solemnised by Rev. R. Grave, when Miss Joyce Barden and Corporal Carswell Burt were united in matrimony. Miss Barden has been a keen worker in Sunday School and choir work. Gift evenings and presentation were given to the bride. We regret to report the home call of Mr R. Belgrave. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Belgrave and daughter in their sad loss.—P. W. L.


November 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. Russell Grave).—A series of addresses by our minister on "The Holy Land" have been most helpful and instructive. A Boys' Brigade parade, under Captain Les. Spurdle, attended morning worship. A choir concert, organised by our choirmistress, Miss M. Sowersby, gave pleasure to an appreciative audience. Choir funds benefited considerably. A. visit from Miss Kirk, J.P., stimulated interest in our W.C.T.U. An exchange of pulpits with the Rev. Tinsley (Methodist) and our minister was mutually beneficial. To complete a wonderful week of youth activities in connection with the Campaign for Christian Order the youth of our church held a rally and tea at which Mr J. H. pulpits between the Rev. Tinsley (Methodist) and our minister was solemnised by the Rev. Grave when Mr Tom Kemp was united in matrimony to Miss E. Roil. Congratulations! We pray a speedy recovery to health for Mrs Wallace and Mrs McKenzie.—P.W. L.


December 1942

HASTINGS (Rev. Russell Grave).—The outstanding event of the month has been our Sunday School Anniversary, which was a great success. The scholars and choir, under the baton of Miss M. Sowersby, sang very sweetly. Crowded congregations attended and were addressed by our minister, who preached appropriate messages. Special offering for our Sunday School work amounted to £20. The floral decorations were on a large, artistic scale. The Anniversary was continued on following Tuesday, when a children's tea and concert concluded a most happy event. During our minister's absence at Assembly we were indebted to Rev. Rex. Goldsmith, M.A., and Mr R. E. Barley, who occupied our pulpit. A combined Bible Class tea was addressed by Rev. P. H. Blackiston, whose stirring message was most helpful. Opportunity was taken while eight of our soldier boys were home on leave to hold a "social hour" after church to wish them God-speed. An exchange of pulpits by our minister and Rev. R. B. Tinsley, Methodist, was mutually beneficial. Our Christian sympathy goes to Miss Gwen Gill, Mr and Mrs A. E. Westerman, and Mr McKenzie, who have recently lost dear ones. May our Heavenly Father be their Great Comforter.—P. W. L.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.