January 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—As a congregation we are, indeed pleased that our minister has been elected Vice-president and President-elect of the Baptist Union of New Zealand. We, wholeheartedly, congratulate him on meriting this honourable position. To Mr. George Wallace, Miss Margaret Palmer, and Messrs. Louis Stewart and Paul Holman we are grateful for taking our Sunday services during the first week of our minister's attendance at Assembly. Over 110 young people attended the Labour week-end camp at Waimarama and were stirred by the challenging addresses of the Rev. G. T. Macann, of Masterton. Viewed from every angle the camp was a great success, and all those who listened to the camp echoes felt it was well worthwhile. Prayerful preparation is being made for the forthcoming Rev. Paul Smith evangelistic campaign in this city. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the loved ones of the late Mr. S. H. Baker, senior, and our departed sister, Mrs. M. Sowersby.—R. N.
February 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—We were pleased to have Rev. Eric Sherburd to take our services on a recent Sunday. Our Boys and Girls' Brigades are in recess, also our Sunday School, although we are holding a combined school for those who are able to attend. It has been good to see so many visitors in our congregation over the holiday period. Mr. Ralph Barley, a life deacon of this church, is to be congratulated on being elected a city councillor and Hospital Board member. Miss Valda Hall and Mr. Neil Donaldson are assured of our congratulations and best wishes on their engagement. Congratulations also go to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Halstead and Mr. and Mrs. K. Barker on the birth of sons. Our minister and his wife are now on holiday, and we wish them a time of rest and refreshing after a year of work well done. Our sympathy to Mr. Eric Downes in the loss of his father.
March 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—It is with pleasure and spiritual expectation we welcome back from their annual vacation our minister and his wife. The year ahead looks full of promise, and we look forward to a time of rich blessing and spiritual progress as we strive together in His service. To those who so ably conducted our Sunday services and weeknight prayer meetings while our minister was away we are deeply grateful, and have benefitted from their ministry. Sunday School has now resumed with an encouraging roll call, and all our youth organisations are recommencing their activities with renewed vigour. To Mrs. Kemp, senior, our sincere Christian sympathy is extended in the loss of her sister. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Nixon (nee Valerie Taylor). We rejoice with them in their happiness. We are glad to have Mrs. Albert Gammon back with us again after her trip overseas. May journeying mercies be granted to Mr Bruce Fowler as he leaves us soon on a trip to England.— R. N.
April 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—A very successful annual church business meeting was preceded by a church members' tea, which again proved its worth by bringing members along, and creating a friendly co-operative spirit. Mrs. A. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilms and Mr. L. Mardon courageously witnessed for their Lord in the waters of baptism. An interesting lantern slide address followed a challenging sermon when we were visited by the Union Secretary, Rev. L. A. North. Mr. Ken. Fowler, of the Bolivian-Indian Mission, also gripped our interest with his lantern slide address. Best wishes and congratulations to Miss Angela Bell and Mr. Douglas Hearn in their engagement. Every happiness is wished for Mr. Edward Petherick and Miss Rosalie North in their marriage. To Mrs. Graham we extended sincere Christian sympathy in the passing of her sister. Journeying mercies are wished for Mr. H. Hickmott as he leaves for a holiday in Australia. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Nixon was presented before the Lord in dedication.—R. N.
May 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—That God is richly blessing the ministry of our pastor in this church is abundantly clear. Each Sunday an increasing number of seats are required in the aisles, baptismal services have been frequent and the number of applications for church membership has been encouraging. Those who recently obeyed our Lord's command in the waters of baptism have been Misses Karen Jeffs, Dorothy Beavan, Muriel Wotherspoon and Glenys Hoskins, also Messrs. Zeus Warren and James Milne. An interesting and enlightening illustrated address was given by Mr. Brian Tucker, missionary from Papua. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckett, presented their infant son, Graeme, before the Lord and His church, in grateful dedication. Our hearts go out in Christian sympathy to the Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Wood, in the passing of Mrs. Wood's beloved father. A safe journey and a happy holiday to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, who leave us shortly on a trip to Ireland. Welcome home to Mr. H. Hickmott who has returned from a holiday in Tasmania.—R. N.
June 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—On Good Friday morning, a well attended Communion service was conducted by our minister. His subject, "The Weight of the Cross," was very appropriate and stirring. An encouraging number attended the extra services during Prayer and Self-denial Week. Mrs. L. Crabbe and Mrs. E. Davidson courageously witnessed for their Lord in the waters of baptism. Ten newly baptised believers were gladly welcomed into membership. Christian sympathy is extended to Mr. Ralph Barley, in the loss of his brother, and to the bereaved family of the late Mrs. C. P. Fowler. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Toms (nee Rose Anderson) in the birth of a daughter. To Miss Rae Lascelles and Mr. Alan Carrad we wish every happiness in their engagement. An opportunity was taken to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster, who are transferring to Auckland, also to Mrs. G. Bunce, who is holiday bound to England.—R. N.
July 1957
Among Our Maoris
A request has come from the South Island for news about work carried out among the Maoris. Most people know there is work done at the Maori Pa at Arowhenua, outside Temuka. The official Maori work of the Denomination is centred at Pukekohe. For over seven years despite many discouragements Mr. Duke Maddox of Hastings Baptist Church has carried on work among the Maori pas in Hawke's Bay. Young people from Napier Baptist Church have assisted in the staffing of Sunday Schools and week night meetings. This year additional assistance is being given from Hastings. The Editor and Rev. Rex Goldsmith also co-operated in a mission in one of the pas. In Rotorua the Baptist Church is working in one of the pas. Some of the young people have been guests at a B.C. tea at the church and have remained to the service. Readers of the B.C. paper "Contact" know of the group of Maoris who attended the Gisborne camp. It may be other churches also are working among the Maoris. If so we want to hear about it. Much of this work is the result of personal concern for the evangelising of the Maoris rather than the organised work of the church. The next step in our Maori work would appear to be a conference of all who are working among the Maoris with a view to the linking of all the Maori work in a fellowship of prayer and co-operation.
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—Approximately seventy-five Y.M.C.A, members attended a Church Parade on a recent Sunday evening. It is, now, normal for a large number of extra seats to be placed in both aisles of our church every Sunday morning. The only time a Church Parade can be held is on a Sunday evening, when there is sufficient room, due to the fact that young Worshipper's League members are not present. That God is richly blessing the ministry of our pastor is clearly evident. Sunday School accommodation has been definitely inadequate for some time. In a venture of faith a new Sunday School has been started in Windsor Lodge. This will cater for children living in the eastern suburb of Hastings. Our earnest prayer is that God will richly bless this extension work among the young, and that it will eventually lead to an interest being displayed by their parents. Dressed in picturesque native attire, Miss Doris Adams, missionary on furlough from our Pakistan field, gave a very interesting and challenging lantern slide address to an appreciative audience. —R. N.
August 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—Each Saturday night during the month of July our young people's fellowship are showing a series of religious films, preceded by bright chorus singing. We trust these films will prove to be of inspiration and blessing to many. Young Worshippers' League members attending Sunday morning services are encouragingly growing in numbers. Those enrolled now number over 150—our prayer is that they may be won for the Saviour in the days of their youth. Miss Glyn Rowlands and Mr. David Bell bravely witnessed for their Lord in the waters of baptism. In response to an invitation from our minister at this baptismal service, others courageously came forward and signified their willingness to follow their Lord in complete obedience to His commands. Sincere Christian sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. R. H. Thorp in the passing of her aunt. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Van Groen on the birth of a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker, a son.—R. N.
{joomplu:1009 detail}
Baptist College Students
Back Row (from left): J. L. Lowery, W. J. K. McCormack. P. Carter, H. Bridges, P. G. Buchanan, E. R. Mills,
E. A. Hildreth.
Third Row (from left) : Principal E. Roberts-Thomson, D. G. Salthouse, M. Pahl, P. E. Millichamp,
W. R. Morgan, A. S. Metcalfe, G. F. Brogden, T. W. Cadman, Vice-Principal J. A. Clifford.
Second Row: R. Keyte, J. S. Thomson, M. Campbell, G. C. Hambly, B. K. Smith, W. J. Taylor.
Front Row: Misses P. E. Preest, S. Wilson, J. M. Wilby, Mr. D. R. Comber, J. Lo, L. J. Rankin.
September 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—During Bible Class Week our young people took a very prominent part in various church activities, including taking complete services in the Dannevirke and our own church. The film mission, sponsored by the Young People's Fellowship, has now concluded. Our prayer is that its influence may be far reaching. Once a month throughout the winter our Girls' Life Brigade and Boys' Brigade have decided to screen recommended religious films at after-church meetings, as part of their effort in witnessing for Christ. We were pleased to witness a church parade of the Girls' Life Brigade on a recent Sunday evening. Members of the Men's Missionary Fellowship met around our Lord's table at a special Communion service. A further baptismal service has been conducted, when Miss Janice Bowman and Mr. Ted Paramour witnessed for their Lord. We were happy to be present at the dedication service of little Truby Rose Toms.—R. N.
October 1957
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—The visit of Miss M. Ormrod, B.A., Miss A. Butcher and Mr. Franklin Gaze, M.A., before their departure for the mission field, will be remembered with pleasure by all. Napier members joined with us at at special tea for men, and at the general meeting which followed. Miss Jill Croucher, Mr. Jack Croucher, Mr. Anthony Bewley, also Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Eliot, have witnessed for their Lord in baptism. Nine new members have been welcomed into the membership of this church. Mr. Norman McIntosh, China Inland Mission, has paid us a welcome visit. Christian sympathy is extended to Mr. Ray Peden, in the passing of his sister, and to Masters Brian, Graeme and Murray Tonkin, who have lost their mother. We say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Crabbe on their departure for Napier. Congratulations to Miss Edythe Fulton and Mr. Paul Holman on their engagement.—R. N.
December 1957
New Students
A record number of ten men were accepted for training. They were: ...Mr. Trevor George Fear, Hastings, book shop manager. Mr. Ian F. Taylor, Hastings, school teacher. ... Each spoke a few words to Assembly.
... Sister Patricia Preest who has completed her training is to go to Hastings Church and Sister Joyce Wilby to Palmerston North. Both were placed upon the list of Probationary Deaconesses. They spoke briefly and were commended in prayer to their work.
Baptist Assembly
... Mr. Duke Maddox of Hastings, a keen worker among the Maoris, speaking and somewhat disconcerted by the warning bell. The President: "I can quite understand the bell upsetting a man who was boxing champion of New Zealand."
HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—We congratulate our minister on attaining the honoured position of president of the Baptist Union of N.Z. Messrs. Ian Taylor and Trevor Fear, two young men from our church, have been accepted for training in the ministry. May God richly bless them, and use them in His service. A warm welcome awaits Sister Patricia Preest, when she takes up the position of deaconess in this church. One hundred and seventeen young people from Gisborne, Napier and Hastings attended a very successful Labour Weekend camp at Waimarama, at which the Rev. D. R. Wilson, B.A., of Miramar, was the guest speaker. At a dedication service Mr. and Mrs. van Groen presented their little daughter before the Lord. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milne on the birth of a daughter, and with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart, a son. Every good wish is extended to Mr. Jack Stewart and Miss Marienne Nixon, who have been united in marriage. Christian sympathy is extended to Mrs. L. E. Nixon in the loss of her brother.—R. N.