Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1959

HASTINGS (Rev. N. R. Wood).—It is with heartfelt sadness we report that our minister is terminating his pastorate with us at the end of December, having been led by the Spirit of God to accept a call from the Puriri Street Church, Lower Hutt. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wood have endeared themselves to us all during their nine fruitful years of ministry in Hastings, and will be greatly missed. With pleasure we witnessed four of our young people obeying our Lord's command in baptism. Nine believers were gladly welcomed into membership at a recent Communion service. The Boys' Brigade were privileged to receive a visit from the London Secretary for Training, Mr. S. E. Barnes, O.B.E. Little Wendy Whittington was presented before the Lord, by her parents, in grateful dedication. We wish Miss Margaret Palmer every happiness on her marriage. Sincere Christian sympathy is extended to the loved ones of our late sister, Mrs. A. M. Edridge — R. N.


February 1959

HASTINGS (Vacant).—A regretful farewell has been said to the Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Wood and Barbara. Our prayers and best wishes accompany them as they leave us for the Puriri Street Church, Lower Hutt. We also bid farewell to Mr. Don Buxton, who is leaving us to carry the gospel message into timber mills and public works camps. May God richly bless and use him in this missionary effort. Welcome back home, is said to Mr. Bruce Fowler and to Miss Diane Ward. Before our minister left he had the joy of baptising Misses Naomi Smith and Carol Stanton, also Messrs. W. Bell (senior) and Barry Price. Mrs. M. Sims, after a lifetime of faithful service for her Lord, has passed to her reward. Our beloved sister will be sadly missed from our midst and sincere Christian sympathy is felt for her loved ones. To Mr. Dennis Kilgour we extend hearty congratulations on his engagement to Miss Mary Martin.— R. N.


March 1959

HASTINGS (Vacant).—Our thanks to Messrs. Keith, Graham, and Trevor Fear, Mr. Ian Taylor, Mr. Mertyn Pahl, Mr. Yelverton and Mr. Roland Hill, for so ably filling our pulpit in the new year. We also would like to thank Miss Dorothy Bevin and Miss Mary Milner for showing their slides of missionary work in other lands. It was a thrill to see so many children back at Sunday School last Sunday and our Bible Classes will recommence on Sunday, February 8. We remember those of our folk who are sick and some in hospital, and pray that our Heavenly Father will be very near to heal, comfort and to bless them. Congratulations to Miss Evelyn Bell on her recent marriage to Mr. Max Blincoe. Our best wishes to Miss Constance Stanton and Mr. Eric Campbell on their engagement.—E. N.


May 1959

HASTINGS (Vacant).—Our gratitude is expressed to the Rev. A. Fear for the splendid pastoral and pulpit work he is doing in our midst during the period our pastorate is vacant. He has come out of a well-earned retirement to meet our needs, and we pray for special strength and blessing on him as he ministers to us. To our deaconess, Sister Patricia, we are also deeply grateful. She has been a tower of strength at this special time of need, and has spent herself in our service. May God richly bless her and give her the needed strength. Services have been well attended, and the spirituality of the congregation is at a high level due to their efforts. Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to the wife and family of our late brother, Mr. David Lennox, also to Mrs. Love on the passing of her father. We rejoice with the following engaged young couples: Miss Jeanette Taylor to Mr. John Fear; Miss Vallory Smith to Mr. Bruce Fowler- Miss Christine Darnell to Mr. Phillip Price. Happy wishes are extended to Miss Jocelyn Wotherspoon and Mr. Barry Price on their union in marriage.—R. N.


June 1959

HASTINGS (Vacant).—Under the capable leadership and spiritual ministry of our relieving pastor, Rev. Alfred Fear, the church is continuing to be well filled, and the spiritual tone of the congregation is being kept at a high level. The house-to-house visitation of all homes with any connection to our church has, under the encouragement and guidance of Sister Patricia, proved to be well worth while. A family pew service, conducted soon after this visitation, resulted in chairs being required down both aisles of the church. The visit of the Dominion President, Mr. H. J. Hayward, to this church was appreciated. We were also privileged to receive a visit from Miss Eileen Arnold, missionary from Pakistan. Mr. and Mrs, Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Love presented their little ones before the Lord in grateful dedication. Miss Constance Stanton and Mr. Eric Campbell have been united in matrimony. Our best wishes are extended to the happy couple.—R. N.


July 1959

HASTINGS (Minister-elect Rev. D. C. Rogers).—It is with joy and thanksgiving that we record the acceptance of our call to the pastorate of this church by the Rev. D. C. Rogers. We expectantly look forward to the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, and earnestly pray that God will richly bless and use them in this corner of his vineyard. To Student Trevor Fear, and senior Bible Class members, we express our appreciation for taking services during the absence of our relieving minister, Rev. Alfred Fear. Every happiness to Miss Angela Bell and Mr. Doug. Herne who have been united in matrimony. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Toms on the birth of a son. A foundation member and ex-deacon of this church, Mr. O. R. Bostock, also a sister in Christ, Mrs. C A. Pethrick, have passed to their reward. Our Christian love and sympathy is expressed to their loved ones.—R. N.


August 1959

HASTINGS (Minister-elect Rev. D. C. Rogers).—After three months of faithful and inspiring ministry, the Rev. Alfred Fear has concluded his relieving pastoral work in our midst. An opportunity was taken to bid him farewell and express our appreciation. During Mr. Fear's ministry, a number have been led to Christ, and six believers have witnessed for their Lord in baptism. An adult Bible Class has been commenced, and a winter Bible training school has been formed. May real and lasting blessing result from these new activities. Mrs. A. Evans has been welcomed into membership, on transfer from Fairfield. As a token of their grateful dedication, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffs presented their little daughter before the Lord. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. E. Paramour on the birth of a daughter. Sincere Christian sympathy is expressed to Mrs. L. Mardon, Mrs. Evans and Miss Betty Garrioch on the passing of loved ones.—R. N.


September 1959

HASTINGS (Minister-elect Rev. D. C. Rogers).—We have been fortunate in having the following men to take our services over the last month and would thank them for their help. Mr. J. R. H. Thorp, Rev. R. Goldsmith, Mr. A. Hoskins, Mr. B. K. Randal, Mr. M. Lewis (of our Napier Church), Mr. G. Wallace, Rev. M. T. Bowden and Rev J. J. Burt. Our young people had a full programme for Bible Class Week, when the Gisborne, Dannevirke and Palmerston North young people were their guests. The highlights were a grand banquet on Saturday evening when the president of the Central Districts Association was the speaker; then followed a social and concert. On Sunday, the speakers were Mr. Goldsmith and Mr Bowden. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Green (nee Margaret Palmer) on the birth of a daughter. Our deep sympathy goes to the family of the late Mrs. F. Warren who passed away suddenly on August 4.—E. E. N.


October 1959

Induction and Welcome Rev. D. C. Rogers

A large congregation was present at the induction of the Rev. D. C. Rogers.

Replying to the welcome speech by the church secretary, Mr. Charles Rawlings, the Rev. Mr. Rogers related definite evidences of divine guidance which led him to accept the call to the Hastings ministry.

The charge to the new minister was presented by the Rev. Rex Goldsmith, M.A. The Rev. L. A. North, General Secretary, delivered the charge to the congregation. In the absence of the church secretary, through illness, Mr. J. R. H. Thorp ably chaired this meeting, which was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress, who expressed a civic welcome to Mr. Rogers.

Representing the Hastings Ministers' Association and the local branch of the N.Z. Council of Churches, the Rev. L. C. Horwood extended a warm welcome; on behalf of the Napier Baptist Church and the Baptist Union of New Zealand the Rev. Rex Goldsmith expressed pleasure and greetings; the Rev. Peter Buchanan spoke similarly on behalf of the Dannevirke Baptist Church and the Central District Auxiliary.

Pretty bouquets were presented to Mrs. Rogers, Sister Patricia and the Mayoress, after a friendly speech of welcome was expressed by Mrs. Selwyn Baker on behalf of the ladies of the church. Dr. E. J. Velvin and Mr. Paul Holman spoke on behalf of church and young people.


HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers)—With joy and thanksgiving we record the arrival in our midst of the Rev. and Mrs. Rogers and their son, Douglas. An account of the induction service and their public welcome appears elsewhere in this issue. We express our appreciation of their presence, and our gratitude for the spiritual help they have rendered to the following visiting speakers: Rev. Rex. Goldsmith, Rev. Angus MacLeod, Rev. L. A. North, Rev. Peter Buchanan, Rev. N. Martin, Mr. B. K. Randal, Mr. Ray Hensman, also to our faithful lay preachers Messrs. J. R. H. Thorp, P. Holman, G. Fear, R. Hill and D. Ireland, also to Sister Patricia, our indispensable deaconess. Mr. and Mrs. E. Paramore, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and Mr. C. Monahan has been gladly welcomed into membership. Best wishes are extended to Mr. Dennis Kilgour and Miss Mary Martin in their recent marriage. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Petherick on the birth of a baby daughter. Sincere Christian sympathy to Mrs. O. Henderson on the death of her father.—R. N.


November 1959

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—The attendances at the mid-week prayer and Bible study meetings have been very encouraging. Our minister is conducting a very interesting series of studies on prayer. All who attend speak enthusiastically regarding the great spiritual help these studies have been to them. The annual meeting of the local British and Foreign Bible Society was held in our Sunday School hall this year, and was ably addressed by our minister. At his first Communion service, Mr. Rogers gladly welcomed into the fellowship of this church three new members. The parents of Garry Toms and Patricia van Groen presented their little ones before the Lord in grateful dedication. On World Communion Sunday, an impressive dawn service was held on Te Mata Peak. Havelock North. Our best wishes go to Miss Dorothy Peden and Mr. Bryan Bisley on their engagement. The Riverslea branch of our Sunday School recently held its anniversary service.—R. N.


December 1959

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This float, entered by the Hastings Baptist Sunday School in the Centenary Blossom Festival Parade, was highly commended by the judges.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.