January 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Attendances at all services have been very well maintained, extra seats in the aisles being required at most services. By the time this appears in print the Talent Scheme for raising funds for our new church will have been finalised. We will have profited spiritually, as well as financially, through this effort. Those of us who were not able to attend Assembly missed a lot, but our minister and delegates tried to make up for this in the full and interesting account they gave us on their return. Derek Christensen and Gordon Baker have courageously witnessed for their Lord in the waters of baptism. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hensman on the birth of a son. Our best wishes are extended to Mr. Graeme Fear and Miss Margaret Comber on their engagement. Congratulations to Miss Dorothy Harrington and Mr. Neville Jones who have been united in matrimony— R. N.
February 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—By the time these notes appear in print church activities for the New Year will have been resumed. Our earnest desire for our own church, and for all churches, is that 1960 will be a year of rich blessing and remarkable progress. It was a joy to see so many visitors at our services over the holidays, and we trust that, as they worshipped with us, they received spiritual help and Christian fellowship. Mr. and Mrs. J. Milne, Ms. Hallam and Mr. D. Buxton have been gladly welcomed into church membership. The parents of Alan James Paramore and Linda Maree Petherick have presented their little ones before the Lord in grateful dedication. Mr. Paul Holman and Miss Edythe Fulton have been united in matrimony. We wish them every joy and happiness. We have said farewell to Mrs. and Janice Bowman on their departure for Australia.—R. N.
March 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—With the recommencement of Sunday School activities, Bible Class work, and other youth organisations of the church resuming after the holidays, our church buildings are in full use again. All have got away to a good start, and we are anticipating times of rich blessing and encouraging progress. Quite a number of our young people have returned to their studies and work in the main cities. We are already missing them a lot. Our prayers and interest have been stimulated by their presence with us. We rejoice with Bill Bell and Annette Roberts on their engagement, and extend our good wishes. Every happiness is wished to Mr. and Mrs. Athol Nesbit (nee Ruth Burns') on their marriage. Sincere Christian sympathy is extended to the husband and family of our beloved sister in the Lord, Mrs W. A. Taylor, who has gone to her reward after years of faithful service in this church.—R. N.
April 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C Rogers)—Attendances at all church services have been very encouraging, and there is every evidence that a spiritual development is taking place in our midst. We praise God for the faithful ministry of our pastor week by week. A new innovation that has been of rich spiritual help to many is the "Discussion Time" encouraged by Mr. Rogers after his mid-week teaching ministry. The number who take part reveal the intense interest shown. Mr. Derek Christensen and Mr. L. Mount have been gladly welcomed into church membership. We are glad to have Miss Roulson worshipping with us again after a period of teaching in India. A member of our fellowship, Mrs. Sands, has been united in matrimony to Mr. Mountford of Timaru. May God richly bless them both.—R. N.
May 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—Our church was packed for the opening services of our golden jubilee year. Family pew service in the morning and a baptismal service in the evening when Mrs. J. Anderson witnessed for her Lord, after which there were several decisions. Our thanks to Rev. Mr. Finlay for an evening service, also to Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Rawlings, and Misses Tate and Roulson for the service at the opening of our B.W.M.U. Witness Week, while the members formed the choir. Opportunity was taken at an after-church social hour to bid farewell to Miss Shirley Tonkins who returns to England after five years worshipping with us, and to Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson and Mrs. Gardiner who leave on a trip to Northern Ireland. Our sympathy to Mrs. P. Lascells and Mr. P. Stanton on the loss of loved ones.—E. N.
June 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—It has been to our pleasure and spiritual profit to have been addressed by the following visiting speakers: Rev. A. L. Silcock (President of the Baptist Union), Miss Hazel Drew (missionary on furlough from Tripura), Rev. Ivor Davies and Mr. John Lousich (World-wide Evangelisation Crusade), and Mr. M. Yelverton (Napier Baptist Church). A profitable time, both spiritually and physically, was spent by our young people at the Gisborne Easter camp, where our minister was the guest speaker. We congratulate Messrs. Edward Petherick and Paul Holman on their election to the diaconate. Mr, Gordon Baker has been gladly welcomed into church membership. It is with pleasure that we record the engagements of Miss Beulah Lord to Mr. Lawrence Mount and Miss Glynn Rowlands to Mr. James Burtenshaw. On Palm Sunday the Girls' Life Brigade and Cadets honoured us with a church parade.—R. N.
July 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Attendances at all church services are very encouraging, and our golden jubilee year promises to be one of rich spiritual profit, and quickened interest in Christian things. The Children's Mission conducted by two of our college students, Messrs. B. Benholm and G. K. Smith, proved to be well worthwhile. A large congregation watched with interest the enrolment service of the Boys' Brigade Company. The Rev. C. D. Jones gave us, by word and film, a real insight into the Maori work of our denomination. Our best wishes to Miss Eileen Taylor and Mr. James McNair, Tirau, on their engagement. Every happiness is wished for Mr. Bruce Fowler and Miss Vallory Smith, who have been united in matrimony. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell (nee Connie Stanton) on the birth of a daughter, also with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wong on the birth of a son.— R. N.
August 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D C Rogers).—The services each Sunday are a rich source of spiritual blessing to all members We praise God for the faithful soul-searching and challenging ministry of our pastor from week to week. He had the joy of baptising Miss Joyce Redman, Miss Glenice Hodson and Mr Winstone Peters, who bravely obeyed their Lord's command in the presence of a large congregation. Captain L. Spurdle and Corporal M. Christensen made a good beginning to Boys' Brigade week by taking an active part in church services. Sister Elsie Leipst, a faithful member of our church, has been singularly honoured to serve as the first New Zealand nurse with the Save the Children team in Korea We bid her fond farewell and assure her of our continued interest and prayers. Welcome home to Mr and Mrs. Howard Paynter, on their return from an interesting holiday tour of Australia. —R. N.
September 1960
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Welcome visitors from whom we received interesting descriptions of their missionary activities have been Rev Gordon Jones, of our Tripura field, and Miss Grace Olsen, of the China Inland Mission. Miss Kath Tate has been farewelled before leaving for further missionary service in Syria, and is assured of our interest and prayers. The youth of our church took an active and spiritual part in various services during Bible Class week. Napier and Hastings members of the Men's Missionary Fellowship joined in a united Communion service held in the Hastings Church. We rejoice with the undermentioned parents blessed with bonny babes: Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Price, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Max Blincoe, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. John van Groen, a son. To those of our fellowship who have lost loved ones we offer our sincere Christian sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. John Wharrie have presented their little daughter, Brenda, in grateful dedication.—R N.
October 1960
Farewell to Hastings Church Deaconess
A large and fully representative gathering met together on Sunday, August 21, to bid farewell to Sister Patricia Preest, who has accepted a call to the church at Corstorphine, Dunedin. The zealous, conscientious and sacrificial work done by Sister Patricia during her two and a-half years as deaconess of the Hastings Church was emphasised by all who spoke. Farewell addresses and expressions of goodwill for her future were delivered by the minister of the church, Rev. D. C. Rogers, and the Rev. Rex Goldsmith representing the Central District Auxiliary and the Napier Church, Mr. J. R. H. Thorp on behalf of the Hastings congregation, Mr. Ray Peden for the jubilee committee, and Mrs. Shuker for the women's organisations of the church.
In reply Sister Patricia spoke very feelingly and stated how much she had enjoyed her work and stay in Hastings. An opportunity was given all present to say personal farewells during a social hour following the addresses.
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—We express our gratitude to Rev. John Prichard of the B.T.I., Auckland, for the spiritual uplift we received from his seven addresses on "The Ideal Church in the Modern Age". The visit, and illustrated address of Mrs. R. L. Fursdon, Timaru, were much appreciated. Four young believers have courageously witnessed for their Lord in baptism, and five new members have been welcomed. Gratefully presented in dedication were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell's little daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Price's little son. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Paramore on the arrival of a baby daughter. A separate account of our farewell to Sister Patricia Preest appears elsewhere in this edition. Happy journeyings to Mrs. P. Stanton, Mr. Bernard Stanton, Mr. Ron Holman, Miss Naomi Smith, Mr. Rawlings, senior, and Mr. Charles Rawlings, who are holidaying overseas. We gladly welcome Mr. Keith Fear as our new church secretary.—R. N.
December 1960
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Accepted as a candidate for training: William Alexander Stewart is a member of the Hastings Church. He is also a school teacher and has been teaching for the past two years and a-half.
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—A visit from Miss Jean Thomson, missionary on furlough from St. Paul's school, Agartala, was much appreciated, and caused awakened interest in her work. The youth of our church joined with those from other denominations in a dawn service at Te Mata Peak, Havelock North, held in connection with the National Council of Churches. Gladly welcomed back from holidays in Australia were Mrs. Percy Stanton, and her son, Bernard, also Miss Robyn Caves. We rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart on the birth of a son, Craig. Miss Eurfron Arnold and Mr. Clendon Streat have been united in matrimony. We wish them every happiness. Our best wishes to Miss Karen Jeffs and Mr. John Unwin on their engagement. Sincere Christian sympathy is extended to Mr. A. Morgan in the passing of his beloved wife, and to Mrs. Harrison who has lost a loved sister.—R. N.