January 1965
HASTINGS (Minister-elect, Rev. G. T. Macann).—The ministry of Dr and Mrs V. F. Anderson over the last eleven weeks has drawn to a close. This has been a time of real spiritual blessing that will long be remembered. Dr Anderson's challenging messages on such a variety of subjects have given us all food for thought and a clearer understanding of the scriptures. At the Annual Meeting Messrs C. Burt, N. Donaldson, K. Fear, B. Mitcherson and N. McLean were elected to the diaconate. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs G. Love on their adoption of a wee sister for their three boys. Congratulations to Miss Janice Taylor and Mr John Paynter, and to Miss Carol Duggan and Mr John Bell (of Wellington) on their engagements. The Life Boys team paraded at morning service. The end-of-year functions are under way—B.B. display; Ladies' Friendly Hour party; Primary party and Sunday School parents' night when prizes for attendance and scripture examinations were presented.—M. F. S.
February 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann).—With great joy we welcomed Rev. G. T. Macann and Mrs Macann at an evening of musical items and bright speeches followed by supper. We pray God's blessing on them as they commence their ministry here. The next day the induction service was conducted by Rev. Lloyd Crawford of Palmerston North. At the Communion Service which followed Mr and Mrs Macann were received into membership together with Mr G. Love who was recently baptised. After a short prayer service in our church we joined with other churches in an open-air carol service. Our youth choir sang at a family service and Mr and Mrs B. Kater brought Natalie Grace and Mr and Mrs G. Love brought Karen Joy for dedication. We congratulate Mr and Mrs Bernard Stanton on the birth of a son. Mr Ron Shakespeare spoke of his experiences as assistant manager of the New Zealand team at the Olympic Games in Tokyo at the Havelock North Fellowship social evening.—M. F. S.
March 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We were pleased to have so many visitors at our services both on Christmas Day and over the holiday period. The President of the Baptist Union of New Zealand, Mr E. S. Carey, gave a challenging address at a recent morning service. An after church social hour was arranged to farewell Dr and Mrs Anderson who have returned to America. A time of fellowship followed by a Watch-night service brought 1964 to a close. We were interested to see slides of the Auckland Baptist Youth Hostel and of the Auckland City Mission at two after church meetings. The Ladies' Friendly Hour started the year with an enjoyable picnic at Havelock North. We welcome home again Miss Glenys Hoskins. Messrs Alan Foster and Murray Burt from overseas trips. Our prayers are with all our sick friends especially Mrs Stewart in hospital at Palmerston North. We congratulate all our young folk who have passed their examinations.— M.F.S.
April 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann. L.Th.).—Our sincere sympathy to the family of Mrs E. Stewart on her "Home-call" after a long illness patiently borne. Mr and Mrs Allred were received into membership on transfer from Nelson. We were glad to see Janis Rawlings who has returned from Fiji to further her education in Auckland, and Derek Christensen who preached at an evening service prior to his return to the Baptist College. Little Craig Stanton was brought by his parents for dedication. We welcome the baby boy adopted by Mr and Mrs Jack Braithwaite. We congratulate our young friends, Dianne Ferguson and David Baker on their marriage in our church and Glen Caves who was married at Lower Hutt congratulations also to our Life Boy Team on winning the swimming sports held recently. Boys from the N.C.O.'s training course of the Boys' Brigade paraded at our morning service A time of fellowship and fun was experienced at the church picnic held at Maraekakaho.—M. F. S.
May 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann. L.Th.).—Rev. A. J. Jamieson spoke at an evening service and later showed a film and slides on leprosy work. Our choir arranged an effective display of produce for the Harvest Festival. After many years of faithful service Mrs C. Baker has gone to be with her Lord. Our loving sympathy is extended to her loved ones, and to Mrs J. Palmer and Mrs M. Matheson, who have also suffered bereavement. Welcomed into membership were Mr and Mrs E. Knowlson, Mrs M. Bradley and Miss Pamela Burt. Best wishes to Anne Morton and Tony Page, also Elizabeth Hanna and Wallace Potts, on their marriages, and to John Bunce on his engagement. Congratulations on the birth of their daughter to Mr and Mrs Barrie Price. An enjoyable social evening helped along the finances for our B.W.M.U. The Ladies' Friendly Hour spent an interesting afternoon at a local food factory. We were glad to see our former secretary, Mr Chas. Rawlings, visiting us from Fiji.
June 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Other churches joined us in a National Broadcast Service on Good Friday, the preacher, assisting ministers and the Woodford House choir all helping to make this a notable occasion. We will miss Mrs L. M. Thetford, a faithful member, who has passed into the presence of her Lord. Our sympathy goes to her family and to her husband who has been in hospital for so long. Mr and Mrs J. Braithwaite brought wee Mark for dedication. We were privileged to have the great athlete, Mr Peter Snell, speak from our pulpit and Mrs Faith Turner at a prayer meeting. The Girls' Brigade, Cadets, Boys' Brigade and Life Boys paraded for the Enrolment Service at which Corporals Alan McEwan and David Spurdle received the Queen's Badge. Members of the Ladies' Friendly Hour enjoyed a talk by Miss M. Sowersby on her recent trip overseas. Our thoughts and prayers are directed towards the Trans-Pacific Crusade and we look forward to a time of great spiritual blessing in September.—M. F. S.
July 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We welcome home again our minister, Mrs Macann and family from their holiday and thank Rev. R. Taylor (Dannevirke), Messrs B. Mitcherson, N. Williams and G. Fear for conducting services during this time. We were privileged to hear two missionaries, Rev. Edward Mills (South Tipura) and Mr Len Twynham (New Guinea). A combined service arranged by the National Council of Churches was held in the Municipal Theatre, Rev. E. H. Moody, Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, being the speaker. Mrs Parker, on transfer from England, was welcomed into membership. Miss Joyce McEwan and Mrs Taggart were recently baptised. Mr and Mrs B. Price brought Felicity Joy for dedication. A sacred concert was held in our church when vocal solos by Rev. Clive Way, an Anglican Curate of Australia, and other items by local artists were enjoyed by all. A Children's Week arranged by the N.C.C. Youth Committee was a happy occasion for the many children who attended.—M. F. S.
August 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We were privileged to hear Rev. D. T. Eade, Miss Delsie Guy, and members of the United Maori Mission speak from our pulpit. At a church dinner about 200 people heard more about the Transpacific Crusade from Rev. A. Finlay, response cards being handed out and a special congregational dedication service held the following Sunday. Mr G. Hewitt has been received into membership. Congratulations on their engagements to Miss Meryl Hunt and Mr Harvey Price and to Miss Margaret Hallam and Mr Rex Read. Our best wishes to Miss Diane Rowlands on her marriage to Mr Samuel Holmes. We have said farewell to Mr and Mrs John McKean and family who have returned to America and Miss Glenys Hoskins who has gone to England. We welcome home again Dr and Mrs Velvin and Mr and Mrs Burt from trips overseas. Our G.L.B. and Cadets paraded in their special week.—M. F. S.
September 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Our thoughts have been with our minister whose mother passed away in Christchurch. One of our oldest members, Mrs Stephens, has also received her "Home-call." To her niece, Miss Sims, we offer our loving sympathy; also to Mrs J. Bell and Mrs D. Rattray who have each suffered bereavement. Our thanks to Messrs Brian Mitcherson and George Wallace who ably conducted services in our minister's absence. We were indeed thrilled to have Rev. Roland Hart speak to us and our Napier friends on the coming Trans-Pacific Crusade. The visit of 45 Bible Class members from Te Hapara, social, question and answer service, the singing of our youth choir, missionary rally and tea were highlights of Bible Class week. Our Shareholders raised £55 for missions at their stall. The Boys' Brigade brought their special week to a close with a church parade followed by the film "God Loves You."—M. F. S.
October 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.) .—Preparations for the Trans-Pacific Crusade are well in hand. A decorated float, playing hymns and advertising the Crusade, was entered in the annual Blossom Procession. A tape of greetings was prepared and sent to our missioner, Dr William Welsh, and we were thrilled to hear him and members of his family and church speak to us in reply. We were indebted to Rev. J. J. Burt for conducting a seminar for teaching staff, preaching at an evening service and showing slides afterwards at a fellowship hour. Our congratulations to Mr John Paynter on his marriage to Miss Janice Taylor. Wayne O'Neil was brought by his parents for dedication. We extend our sympathy to Mr Jack Taylor on the death of his father. Congratulations to our G.L.B.. B.B. and L.B. on their successes in the recent intercompany competitions. A holiday camp at Te Karaka was enjoyed by thirty members of the G.L.B.—M. F. S.
November 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—The long awaited Trans-Pacific Crusade has come and gone and we will remember it as a time of spiritual blessing in the days that lie ahead. A large number of our people gathered at the airport where a traditional Maori welcome was extended to our "Man from Texas." We welcomed a stranger and farewelled a friend. May the Calvary Church at El Paso also receive blessing through the sending of Dr Welsh to us. Two of our young people, Miss Vivienne Kemp and Mr Peter Bradley, followed their Lord through the waters of baptism. Mr John Paynter was received into membership. Sympathy is extended to Dr Velvin on the death of his mother. Best wishes to Miss Glenys Hoskins on her marriage in England, and to Mr Gary Beattie on his engagement. Welcome home to our secretary, Mr Kenning, from his business trip abroad. We thank Mr Neil Donaldson for his capable work as acting secretary.—M. F. S.
December 1965
HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Our sincere thanks to Messrs G. Kenning, R. Baker and N. Williams for conducting services in our minister's absence through illness and at Assembly, and to Mrs Wallace and Messrs Thorp and Fear for taking the prayer meetings. The B.M.M.F. held an open night when Mr Kenning showed slides of his recent travels overseas. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs B. Mitcherson and Mr and Mrs G. Fear whose homes have been blessed with wee daughters and Mr and Mrs J. Stott who have another son. Congratulations to Miss Olive Calder and Mr Maurice Clapperton who have announced their engagement. Members of the Boys' Brigade enjoyed a camp at the Tuki Tuki River over Labour weekend. We remember in our prayers our many sick folk and those who, through age, can no longer worship with us.—M. F. S.