Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Macann on the sudden "Homecall" of her father at Tauranga. Interesting reports of Assembly were brought by our delegates at an evening service and prayer meeting. Deacons elected, or re-elected, at the annual meeting were Messrs R. Cowan, B. Mitcherson, J. H. Paynter and L. A. Spurdle. We rejoiced to see Mr and Mrs G. Crysell and Miss Lynette Gamman baptised recently and to receive Mrs M. Rowland into membership. Best wishes to Miss Meryl Hunt and Mr Harvey Price on their marriage. Their future home will be in Wellington. The church was filled when the Girls' Brigade and Cadets paraded. Parents of our younger scholars attended Sunday School one morning for the presentation of prizes while the older scholars entertained parents with items at their prize-giving social evening. At the Ladies' Friendly Hour Christmas party we were entertained with an amusing sketch written by Mrs V. Westerman, and other items. —M. F. S.


February 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Christmas Day service was well attended and many visitors made welcome. An enjoyable evening, when slides and a movie film of our Trans-Pacific Crusade were screened and a tape recording played of messages from Dr and Mrs Welsh, brought a busy time of breakups to an end. Worthy of mention is the fact that the three leaders in charge of the Girls' and Boys' Brigades and Life-boy team have between them completed seventy-five years as officers in the movement. Miss Olive Calder was welcomed into membership. At a recent family service Mr and Mrs G. Fear, Mr and Mrs B. Mitcherson and Mr and Mrs J. Stott brought their little ones for dedication, and gifts of toys for South-east Asia were received. We offer our sympathy to members of the Stanton family on the tragic loss of wee Dean Campbell. Best wishes to Miss Lynne Hoskins on her engagement.—M. F. S.


March 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Activities have now recommenced with a good attendance at All-age Sunday School. Our thanks to Messrs R. Baker, L. K. Fear, B. Mitcherson, L. Simpson and N. Williams who conducted services over the holiday period. We had an interesting service when Pastor R. Dumarain from Ajuy Baptist Church, Philippines was the preacher and Mr Sivaji Subrananian, from Singapore brought a message in song. Miss Janice McAlpine witnessed to her Lord through the waters of baptism. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Douglas Bewley on the death of her father and to Mrs Chas. Rawlings who has lost her mother; also to the family of David Rohleder who was tragically killed in a road accident. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs T. Fowler on the birth of their second son. We also congratulate all our young folk who have been successful in their examinations and pray God's blessing on those who are leaving us to further their studies or work elsewhere.—M. F. S.


April 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—A service of dedication of Sunday School staff was very impressive. Our church was the venue for a special service for delegates to the Rotary Club conference. Rev. T. W. Cadman preached at this service and also at our usual service which followed. We welcomed Rev. Roland Hart to our pulpit on a recent Sunday evening. He and Mr Ray French were conducting a school of visitation in which we combined with our Napier Church. We have welcomed into membership Miss N. Horton, on transfer, and Misses Janice McAlpine and Vivien Kemp, on profession of faith. Our sympathy goes to Mrs Jack Taylor on the loss of her mother. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs J. Braithwaite on the birth of a daughter. Our annual church picnic was held again at Maraekakaho School where fellowship was enjoyed although the weather could have been brighter.—M. F. S.


May 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We welcomed Rev. E. H. Moody to our pulpit for our Harvest Festival service, the display this year being arranged by the Boys' Brigade. Proceeds from the sale of goods amounting to nearly £60 went to the Mission Field. Rev. B. N. Eade spoke to the B.M.M.F. at their annual communion service in which Napier men joined. Rev. F. H. Carter met Hastings and Napier officers for tea followed by a special mid-week service. An enjoyable social evening was arranged by the B.W.M.U. to augment their funds. Mrs Hugh Nees showed slides and spoke of the work of the Pakistan and Indian Fields at this meeting and gave the children's address the following morning service. Congratulations to Mr Ron Shakespeare on his appointment as manager of the New Zealand team for the Empire Games at Jamaica. We offer our best wishes to Miss Valda Beattie on her marriage to Mr David Compton. Welcome into membership to Mr and Mrs G. Crysell who were recently baptised.—M. F. S.


June 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We pray God's blessing on our preparations for the Faithfinder Films Crusade. We have been privileged to hear Rev. L. A. North, Mr Ken Halstead and Miss Olwyn Gaze speak to us at recent meetings. After a long and useful life of Christian service, our life deacon. Mr Ralph Barley has been called "Home." To his wife and family we offer sincere sympathy. We congratulate Miss Mavis Mardon on her attaining the gold seal for her Christian Workers' diploma. Our Brigade groups paraded together and the Queen's Badge presented to Staff-sergeant Brian Beckett. Sergeant Graeme Hewitt, and Corporal Brian Kenning. Our best wishes to Miss Olive Calder and Mr Maurice Clapperton, and to Miss Margaret Hallam and Mr Rex Read on their recent marriage. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs G. Love on the addition to their family of another wee daughter. Mr and Mrs T. Fowler brought Kevin for dedication. Our young folk attended the Gisborne Easter camp. Some of our Life Boys also had an exciting weekend at Gisborne.—M. F. S.


July 1969

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Our church had a wonderful blessing from the Faithfinder Film Crusade. Our thanks to the evangelist, Mr George Curle, for his challenging messages and impressive commentaries which gave a clearer understanding of the word of God. We were all thrilled to see thirty-one people make their way to the front on the final Sunday evening, making a total of thirty-six who signed decision cards during the crusade. Thanks also to Mr Ken Halstead (formerly of our church but now of Hamilton) who ably projected the beautiful slides. Our minister preached at a combined service at the St. Matthews Church arranged by the N.C.C. We welcome Mr D. Youngson to the diaconate. Sympathy is extended to Mr Fred Taylor and family on the passing of his mother. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs A. Allred and Mr and Mrs L. Mount whoso homes have been blessed with the gift of wee daughters.—M. F. S.


August 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We rejoiced to witness the baptism of Mrs L. A. Boardman, Misses Yvonne Bewley and Josephine Smith and Michael Smith. At the Communion service which followed, these four and Mrs D. Duggan, Miss Lynette Gamman and Peter Bradley, were welcomed into membership. We thank Rev. Trevor Fear for his message and slides of the Auckland City Mission, and Rev. Gordon Jones and Mrs Jones for their message in word and song. Mr Barry Reed addressed a special meeting arranged by C.B.A. on his recent trip to S.E. Asia. Our church was packed for the parade of St. John Ambulance Brigade and Hastings Pipe Band. Social highlights: G.L.B. banquet celebrating 21st birthday of company, and church parade; ladies' friendly hour concert; young people's weekend camp at Rissington. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs W. Potts on the birth of their baby son. Welcome home to Mr and Mrs Chas Rawlings after two and one-half years in Fiji.—M. F. S.


September 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We congratulate Miss Melva Mildonhall on the completion of 21 years service as an officer of the Girls' Brigade. A long service badge was presented to her at a combined G.B. parade. At a B.B. parade the Queen's Badge was presented to Corporal L. Gribben. This was followed by a social hour when the film "Fred James Story" was screened. Mrs J. Ferguson has witnessed to her Lord in baptism. We rejoice in the dedication of Linda Braithwaite, Lynley Allred and Steven Potts. Our youth choir sang at both services and Bible Class members assisted in the pulpit for the commencement of their special week. The following weekend they joined with other young folk at Palmerston North. Youth for Christ team conducted an after-church rally and screened the film "Misfit." Sympathy to Mrs D. Duggan on the passing of her sister. We congratulate Mr and Mrs Leadingham on the birth of a son. Shareholders held a very successful shop day for mission funds.—M. F. S.


October 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—We thank Mr Derek Christensen for conducting the services and prayer meetings, and undertaking other ministerial duties while our minister was attending a refresher course at Auckland. We were saddened by the sudden "Home-call" of Mrs May Price and extend our sympathy to her husband and family. Two baby girls. Hilda Mount and Jennifer Love, have been brought for dedication. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs John Paynter on the birth of their son. Mrs Chas. Rawlings spoke at the Ladies' Friendly Hour, and Mr Rawlings at a B.M.M.F. meeting, of their experiences while resident in Fiji. On Bible Sunday, an interesting and educational Bible Society Film, "The Leaves of the Tree," was screened. Our prayers are for all who are unable to worship with us through illness—M. F. S.


November 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—At an evening family service the Bible Society film, "Thy Word Giveth Light," was screened. We joined other churches on World Communion Sunday at a "Dawn Service" and an evening service at the Municipal Theatre. The Barry Reed Crusade, sponsored by the Christian Business Men's Association, was well supported by our members each night. Ladies' meetings, addressed by Mrs Hulme-Moir of Australia, were held each morning and afternoon as part of the Crusade and were very well attended. We have welcomed into membership Mrs J. Ferguson following baptism, and Mrs Leadingham on transfer from Masterton. Mr and Mrs John Paynter brought wee Jonathan for dedication. We are glad to see Miss Pamela Rowlands home for a short while after her missionary training in Australia. Members of the Boys' Brigades and Life Boys' teams of the Hawke's Bay group gave a creditable performance at their displays at both Napier and Hastings.—M. F. S.


December 1966

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann, L.Th.).—Members of the adult department of the A.A.S.S. conducted the evening service recently, followed by a friendly hour at which slides of our Sunday School work were shown. At a baptismal service, Mrs J. Burch and her sons, Warren and Larry, together with John and David Spurdle, witnessed to their faith in the Lord. We welcome into membership. Mr A. Foster, on transfer. One of our senior ladies, Mrs A. Fear, has been called "Home" after a short illness. Our sympathy is extended to her family; also to Mr A. Jolly on the loss of his sister. We rejoice with Mr and Mrs G. Crysell on the birth of a daughter and Mr and Mrs B. Fowler, a son. Congratulations to Miss Ruth Davidson and Mr Jim Sweatman on their engagement. We enjoyed the buffet tea and social evening arranged by the Ladies' Friendly Hour committee. We are sorry to say farewell to Mr and Mrs Bert Kater, who have left us for Australia where Mr Kater has undertaken work with the Missionary Aviation Fellowship; also Mr and Mrs John Stott who have shifted to Wellington.— M. F. S.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.