Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1971

Midis For Missions

Midis, maxis and minis usually have very little to do with missions. But on 19 September 1970 the Hastings Baptist Bible Class very successfully combined the latter with the former by means of a Fashion Parade.

The Parade was produced by a leading fashion producer, Mrs C. Tweedie, and the models, all thirteen of them, were Bible Class members. The show also employed another twenty-three behind the scenes.

Theme of the Parade was "Ship to Shore" and clothes were modelled showing every aspect of shipboard activities. These ranged from casual travel and swimwear to garments for the Captain's formal dinner, and also nightwear. The garments included a midi, a nightshirt and cap and a formal dinner jacket. All the garments were lent by local shops. And how did Missions come out? $54 to the good—which is considerably more successful than the Fashion Parade recently shown on "Coronation Street"!

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Carol Kaio wearing a leather garment in mod style.


HASTINGS (G. T. Macann) We give thanks for continued blessing. New members received Mesdames Sullivan, Gilpin. Congratulations: Weddings, Mr and Mrs Reece (Robin Caves) Mr and Mrs Smith (Janice McAlpine). Birth: daughter to Mr and Mrs T. Fowler. Miss M. Mardon, Honours Badge for Bible Class work. Stephen Beattie, Jocelyn Mardon, Trixie Bewley to tour next year with Y.F.C. "Certain Sounds". New Deacons Dedication Service, C. Cottrell, P. Hewitt, G. Kemp, G. Knight. Thanks recorded to retiring Deacon Keith Fear. Sympathy, Mrs P. Gamman and family on sad loss of son Barry. Youth groups participated in Church Music Festival. Bible Class growing pumpkins for Missionary Funds. We welcome home our students. We rejoice at Baptism of four of our Maori sisters, Rosemary Koia, Kerry Te Papa, Adie Wepa and Mrs Jean Chase.—I.M.I.B.


February 1971

Miss Mere Pou leads the Hastings work from the Hastings Church, chiefly working with families through Sunday School and visitation.


March 1971

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann) December Sunday mornings we have had special singing by Sunday School Departments including Maori Department. Christmas Sunday a well attended special Family Service and a service on Christmas morning when children brought toys for S.E. Asian children. Church Family Social held Christmas week. Missionary visit from Miss Delcie Guy who spoke to Ropeholders and Prayer Meeting. It has been a privilege to welcome visitors over the holidays. Wedding congratulations: Brian Kenning and Robyn Bewley; Bill Fulton and Anne Gordon; Lavinia Horton and Graeme Hunt. Babies blessed the homes of Mr and Mrs R. Cartwright, Mr and Mrs G. Reynolds and Mr and Mrs B. Martin. Service held for blessing of members of "Certain Sounds" team. Communion service held for Officers and Pioneers of Girls Brigade. Congratulations to our young people who were successful in Examinations.— I.M.I.B.


May 1971

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann) Dedication of Sunday School staff held. Miss K. Tate speaker at Harvest Service. Male choir sang at service conducted by Church officers. Easter music presented by Church Choir. Youth Fellowship bar-b-que at Tangoio. Ladies Friendly Hour enjoyed seaside picnic. "Certain Sounds: team sang at morning worship. Home prayer meetings held one Tuesday. Mr. N. Donaldson elected as officer. Thanks to Miss M. Mardon and Miss M. Wood for faithful teaching service. Engagement congratulations to David Spurdle and Lynette Bycroft. Wedding congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. Inns. Happy homes welcomed babies: Mr. and Mrs. David Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Snook. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweatman and Mr. and Mrs. Lambert. Death: Mr. J. Gibb. Barbara Growden witnessed at baptismal service. Silver wedding greetings to Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenning, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hewitt and Mr. and Mrs. C. Rawlings.— I.M.I.B.


July 1971

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann) A Maori Bible Class camp was held during the holidays. Sister Mere Pou reported a time of blessing. The Girls and Boys Brigades annual enrolment service was held, Captains Spurdle and Mildenhall continuing their services. Two boys received the Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards. It was good to have our students worshipping with us during the vacation. Welcome home to our members of "The Certain Sounds" team: Jocelyn, Trixie and Steven. Self-Denial—a rice meal was served prior to Self-Denial services. A token amount being charged and added to funds. Wedding congratulation to Graeme Hewitt and Betty Sorenson at Petone, and David Spurdle and Lynette Bycroft at Papatoetoe. Sympathy to Morgan family on death of daughter Jocelyn Alexander, and the family of Mr Laskey.—I.M.I.B.


October 1971

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. McCann) We thank all who have assisted in the pulpit. Services have been enriched by the music of the men's and the ladies' choirs. We rejoiced when Mrs. Koia witnessed for her Lord in the waters of baptism. Services have been led by our officers and by our senior Young People's Department. A successful Sunday School fair was held. We thank Miss Betty Graham for her work as a Sunday School Leader. Congratulations; Engagement: Nanette Gaskell and Selwyn Lowe. Marriage: Carol McAlpine and Brian Thomas. Births: Baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas. Due to special effort numbers attending our weekly prayer meeting are increasing.— I.M.I.B.


November 1971

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann) Our church was blessed and encouraged through the visit of the College Principal, Rev. Ayson Clifford. We are grateful for the privilege of witnessing through a broadcast service over the National Link, and pray that the message in music, song and word may have reached many searching hearts. A happy hour for children was held during the holidays. Our young people enjoyed a trip to the Chateau. The Maori Bible Class spent a happy weekend camp at Te Hapara. Congratulations: Mr and Mrs Wilms on their 25th wedding anniversary. Engagement— Christine Long and Darryl Bewley. Birth: Mr and Mrs Kelliher a son. Death: Miss Horton. Faithful work is being done building our New Sunday School block by a number of our men-folk. We thank them.— I.M.I.B.


December 1971

Trip to Hastings and Napier

Earlier in the year a team made up of folk from the United Maori Mission (headed by Pastor Wally Hayward) and the Pukekohe Baptist Maori Fellowship (Pastor Bob Bollen and Charlie and Sandra Joe) went to a series of meetings in Hastings and Napier. On Saturday and Sunday we had wonderful meetings filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The first of three meetings on Saturday was taken in the home of a blind, elderly woman, who has put her trust and life into the Lord's hands. It was here that our stay in the area was dedicated to the Lord. We prayed, too, that every message, every testimony, every song sung, would be to glorify His Name.

Sunday morning the team split up into three, covering Sister Mere Pou's Sunday School, the Young People's Bible Class at Hastings and Napier Churches. The team met again to take the morning service at Napier. It was wonderful at this point for Charlie and me to meet those who have been upholding us faithfully in prayer and support. The message was based around James 2; 17 "So faith by itself, if it has not works, is dead". After lunch the teams took a little Sunday School group at Clive and a Cottage meeting in an elderly Maori couple's home. This gathering was taken completely in Maori. At the Hastings Church service, held later in the afternoon, it was again a pleasure to meet several who had been in touch with us earlier in the year. It was wonderful to feel the warmth of Christian love, that has no barriers of race or culture. Praise the Lord!

The final meeting was in a Christian home, where the house was absolutely filled with adults, teenagers and children. Everywhere where there was a space to be filled, it was! This meeting was directed mainly at the young people, warning them of the dangers of the permissive society and the power of the devil.

We had wonderful fellowship with the team. Charlie and I spent the weekend at Sister Mere Pou's home We were thrilled to see the extent of her work and really praise the Lord for her eagerness to go out to our Maori people. She is one who has the faith and does the works!

(Mrs. Sandra Joe)


Mr Christopher Mardon of Hastings has been accepted for a two year short term service.

Mr Mardon is a teacher at Terrace School, Waipukurau. Through Crusaders at high school he came to see the claim Christ had on his life. After teacher training at Ardmore College, Mr Mardon has had four years teaching. He has been an active Scout leader, been in the Y.F.C. Chorale from Hastings—one of the best in New Zealand, and served as Treasurer of the Central District Bible Class Union. His interest in missionary service was heightened by working with Sister Mere Pou at Maori camps. Mr Mardon will leave for New Guinea for two years as from next January.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.