Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1972

HASTINGS (Rev. G. T. Macann) Rev. Macann conducted a Ten day Crusade in Rotorua. We welcome Rev. N. R. Wood who conducted the services on 9th October. We congratulate our Boys' Brigade Company on winning the East Coast Drill Competition. Our congratulations to Marilyn Mollring and Brian Darragh; and Warren Burch and Frances Schofield on their engagements. We rejoice with Yvonne and Peter Hewitt on the birth of their baby son. On the last Sunday in November the N.C.C. held their combined service marking South Pacific Year in our Church.—I.M.I.B.


April 1972

HASTINGS Considerable local interest when church became Marae recently. Object, funds for Maori-work van. Nearly 400 attended genuine Maori Hangi. Would you believe Church lawn dug up, all food cooked literally "on the premises"? Fine effort on part of Maori brethren, helpers. Minister Maori Affairs Mr. Duncan Mclntyre attended, addressed participants briefly, Mr Norman Tawhiao led O.A.C. team following meal. Girls' High School Maori Culture Group performed later. Large congregation farewelled our Pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs G. Macann and family. Several speakers spoke warmly of loyal service given over seven years. Sincere wishes for fruitful ministry Avondale pastorate. Tribute paid Mr and Mrs Keith Fear, lost to Murray's Bay, their influence felt almost every sphere Church service. Chris Mardon teaching school New Guinea, with Australian Baptist Missionary Society. (Sauanda, Western Highlands).— F.M.B.


May 1972

HASTINGS (Vacant) Many and varied speakers welcomed to our pulpit during interim between Pastors. Gerald Mostert of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Shirley Funnell, Wycliffe Translators, B. Dahlberg, B. T. I. worker, Pat Christon of Asia Pacific Mission, and Cleve Irvine of Haiti. All spoke of variety of aspects in life of Christian worker at home, or overseas, while other Sunday and Mid-week Meetings have been conducted by Deacons or others of the Fellowship, also friends from other denominations. Theme of all, was the centrality of Christ in the life of the Church. Air of anticipation, co-operation, most evident as we wait and pray for the leader God is preparing for our Ministry in Hastings. Mr Robin Guy from the College is to lead us for two weeks, May Holidays.— F.M.B.


August 1972

HASTINGS (Vacant) Our present situation without a Pastor, brings hidden talents to light. We are being faithfully served by many of the Diaconate, congregation. Most recently, members of the Young People's dept. A. A. S. S. led morning worship unaided, supplying music, songs, and thought provoking sermon. We give thanks for Mr. Colin Cottrell being available to serve ably as interim leader. Prayer meetings led by Mr. Brian Mitcherson and servants of God from other fields, including Mrs. Isoibel Patrick (Andes Ev. Miss.) Miss Jean Thomson brought us up to date with first hand news from our own field in Bangladesh. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenning joined recent exodus to Auckland, and Mr. and Mrs. Trim, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett welcomed into fellowship. —F. M. B.


November 1972

HASTINGS Recent Sunday School Fair in aid of new S. S. buildings a great success. Building Comm. hope buildings will be operative early next year Maori Concert towards "Van- Appeal" well attended. Recent Youth activities — tea at Mr. and Mrs. Gaskell's followed by meeting of several Youth groups at St. Aiden's (Pres ) Church Hall. Canon Rangihu (Anglican) gave enlightening talk on Maori attitude on Fellowship, both within and without the church. Young people invited to "Pack — a perch" at Hensman’s to peck and to hear briefs on Chris. Mardon in New Guinea, and Baptist work in Bangladesh. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jamison brought Suzanne for Infant Dedication. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright on birth of daughter, and to Anna Marie Wilms, winner H. B. Sec. School's Public Speaking contest., and Trixie Bewley and Richard Millet, recently married. Many older members joyfully welcomed back Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Wood recently. —F.M.B.

Hastings B.W.M.U. 60th. Jubilee

The Hastings B.W.M.U. celebrated their 60th Anniversary on Saturday, 30th September 1972.

The Celebrations took the form of a sumptuous dinner with social evening to follow. The dinner was attended by past members from many parts of the North Island, and included Mrs. Fursdon, the Dominion Secretary, who concluded the evening with a very stirring address on the latest developments on our Mission field. We were also delighted to have with us one of our past Presidents, Mrs. N. R. Wood, who spoke at the dinner table stressing the loyalty of members during her long term of office.

The dinner was attended by some 80 guests and held in the Sunday School Hall, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion and was presided over by our immediate President, Mrs. E. Palmer. Many greetings were received from past members, and included one from Mrs. D. C. Rogers, a past President, and also past Dominion President, now residing in Guernsey, Channel Islands, also from Dr. and Mrs. Sanson, Tripura. The celebrations also included the evening B.W.M.U., who gave their full support. A Jubilee cake, made by Mrs. C. Crabbe, and iced by Mrs. D. Bewley, was cut by two long standing members, Mrs. Palmer Sen. who joined our B.W.M.U. more than 50 years ago, and Mrs. J. Thorpe, who has been a member for 40 years.

Musical items delighted during the evening from both Maori and Pakeha young people, also a very apt composition from one of our senior members, Mrs. V. Westerman, The Play, written by Mrs. J. T. Crozier, "Turning back the Clock" depicting the formation of the first B.W.M.U. in Kaikorai, Dunedin, was a source of interest and delight as it was so well produced.

So we press forward with renewed vigour and encouragement to commence another 60 years of interest, prayer, and giving for our Missionary cause.


December 1972

Rev. W.K.J. McCormack has accepted a call to Hastings.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.