Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

March 1973

HASTINGS "Bridge The Gap" Mission conducted by Rev. Bruce Stewart resulted in a fresh awareness that God calls the individual to spread the Gospel in the community. B.W.M.U. 60th. Jubilee Dinner and Social Evening drew former Hastings members from all directions. Guest Speaker. Mrs. Fursdon (Dom. Sec.) Brian and Robyn Kenning and Pauline Kemp accepted for training at Baptist Theological College. Pauline to train in Social Welfare. Recent visit of Dr. Ray Windsor afforded opportunities to learn more of his work. Patients in Pukeora Home For The Disabled, Waipukurau, expressed appreciation of Fellowship Hour led by Sister Mere Pou and her band of Maori and Pakeha helpers. We recently recorded our good wishes and gratitude to the Stewart family leaving to reside in Hawera, especially to Mr. R. L. Stewart for his work among the young people, and for the tremendous amount of work he has put into the new Sunday School Block — F.M.B.


May 1973

HASTINGS (Rev. K. McCormack) March saw the commencement, in our midst, of the ministry of Rev. K. McCormack, whose Induction Service, conducted by Rev. Tom Cadman of our sister church in Napier, took place on the evening of Saturday 3rd March followed by a Fellowship Meeting in the church hall, when Mr McCormack and his family were accorded a hearty welcome by the members and adherents, who then took advantage of the opportunity to meet them personally. We were regretful, however, the following Sunday night, to meet in the same place to farewell Mr and Mrs Colin Cottrell and family. Colin has done fine work as interim Pastor over this last year, and we are going to miss him and Faye very much. We wish God's blessing on them in Whangarei. - F.


July 1973

HASTINGS (Rev. W. K. J. McCormack) "Debt Free by 73". Praise God aim of slogan of eight years finally realized. Also "Van Appeal" boosted by $225.00 at recent special Sunday collection. Industrious young people gathered and sold pine-cones. Result? 18 dozen Easter eggs distributed Children's Homes and Hospital. Youth Dept. Poster Competition. Christ as theme, drew number of high standard entries. Keith Mitcherson emerged over-all winner. Recent Maori Camp — Missioners Mr and Mrs Charlie Joe, and Camp Mother Sister Mere Pou gave occasion for rejoicing with 8 definite decisions made, many gave unstinting help at this Camp. Recent Baptisms, Mrs Gibson and Misses Lynsey and Sandra Rowland. Congratulations to Michael McCormack, Jim Taylor, John Downer, recent recipients of Queen's Badge at Government House. - F.M.B.


November 1973

HASTINGS (Rev. W. K. J. McCormack) Family Service preceded dedication of new Sunday School block recently, when past and present Hastings members gathered to see fruition of long hours of labour, mostly given voluntarily. The Sunday School Fair yielded $600.00 towards furnishings, and opening day is in sight. Young People recently hosted week-end visitors from Gisborne, Wairoa, Napier, and Palmerston Nth. Church families rose magnificently to the occasion. Week-end voted great success. "The Pause That Refreshes." Name given to Wednesday lunchtime meeting for All-comers. Attendees have found it most beneficial. Two young men, Messrs Stuart Martin and Tony Carne, expressed their faith in Christ in Baptism recently, Congratulations Mr and Mrs J. Thorp, 51st Anniversary. Mr and Mrs B. Parrant, Silver Wedding, Mr H. Kemp, 90 years old. Mrs Hall Sen., 87 years old, and Mr and Mrs R. Bird — a son. — F. M. B.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.