Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

February 1987

HASTINGS 10.30, 7.

We farewelled Peter and Gwenyth Pritchard to Northcote and also Youth Pastor Will Westrupp and Lorraine and family. Lionel and Diana Nunns shared in a recent service. We will miss David and Thea Martin and family as they go to Mangakino and Judith and Graeme Trim who have shifted to Taradale. God's blessing on Craig Stanton who has been accepted for the Youth for Christ Y-One team. Ron Mostert (Baptist College) and Clifford Thomas (Bible College) took services over the Christmas vacation. During this time Clifford married Lynell Brown and Ron and Shirley had a son, Caleb.


March 1987

HASTINGS 10.30am, 7.00pm

We thank Ron & Shirley Mostert for the work they did over the Christmas vacation and wish them well as they return to Baptist College. Joyce Shuker who won two national titles at the NZ Veteran's Tennis championship held in Auckland. Our church is being used as a practice venue for the choir of the Luis Palau crusade.


April 1987

HASTINGS Minister-elect Rev P. Eaton 10.30 7.00

The Rev and Mrs Peter Eaton from the Beachlands Church, Auckland, have accepted a call to the pastorate. In the meantime the Rev Noel and Mrs Thompson have ministered to us. Paul Bisley is attending a Youth Pastor's Course. Bob Cowan is now an accredited Industrial Chaplain for ITIM. Thank you to Miss Betty Garrioch who has served our Sunday School for the last 50 years as a teacher and secretary. At the March BMF meeting Rev Jim and Gwenda Skett told us of their forthcoming Fiji venture.


May 1987

HASTINGS 10.30am, 7.00pm

Our church was packed for the Ladies Meeting of the Luis Palau Mission. The overflow being accommodated in halls. Visitors this month have included Rev lan Brown. Dr and Mrs Maxwell Collins. Mr Robert Morris from Interserve and Max Sinclair. Gillian (Fear) and Kevin Thorp were recently married. Ladies Friendly Hour and Care and Craft have commenced again. Some of our members are involved in Good News Radio. The Hastings Choral Society presented St Luke's Passion in our church to aid Manurewa Children's Home. Welcome into membership Miss Colleen Caves and Mrs Marilyn Lower.


June 1987

HASTINGS 10.30am, 7.00pm

Screening the new series of films by Or James Dobson is attracting interest. We extend our sympathy to Norma and Harry Callister whose sister died in Wellington recently. Moira Brown, Hilda Mount, Dick and Shirley Gibson and Noel and Joy Williams are all travelling overseas. We would thank Noel and Elma Thompson for their ministry during the last 11 weeks - neat children's talks, thought-provoking sermons and visiting our very sick folk have been much appreciated. May God bless you both in the future. Congratulations to Philip Donaldson on obtaining his degree in optometry.


July 1987

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If Baptists awarded long service awards Betty Garrioch of the Hastings Baptist Church would certainly quality. Miss Garrioch's connection with the Hastings Baptist Sunday School began as a pupil when a friend brought her to Sunday School as a child. Her retirement at the end of last year brought 50 years of service in teaching and as Sunday school secretary to a conclusion. The Hastings Church would like to thank her for good and faithful work done in God's service for the Sunday school.


August 1987

HASTINGS Rev Peter Eaton 10.30 7.00

Recent good news has been the induction of Rev and Mrs Peter Eaton to our Church together with their little girls Jaimie and Hannah. At the conclusion of the first service with our new manse family the church met together for a roast meal and special thanks to our cooks. We would like to thank the J.H. Paynter and D.M. Paynter Charitable trust for a very substantial gift towards the building of a new lounge and kitchen which we badly need. Congratulations to Peter Martin on gaining Bachelor of Business Studies, and Diana Boekestyn her Bachelor of Education. Evening BMF members organized a stall which raised $320 towards the Baptist Women's league Project to help wives and families at Baptist College. Church sympathy is extended to Ngaire and Nelson Mclean in the loss of Ngaire's mother.


September 1987

HASTINGS Rev Peter Eaton 10.30 7.00

Plans are reaching completion for our new youth hall, lounge and kitchen. A new entrance and offices are planned for the church. Car parking requirements have proved difficult, but now everything seems to be fitting together. Our church was used by our Methodist neighbours to conduct a baptismal service recently and was venue for the "10,000 Men" National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Sympathy is extended to Patty Osborne and Jenny Martin in the passing of their mother, and to Jack Taylor and his family on the loss of his son, John.


October 1987

HASTINGS Rev Peter Eaton 10.30 7.00

Davina Jackson, Kevin Fowler and Bill Noell were baptised. They were welcomed into membership together with Mrs Gladys Scougall and Mrs Alison Trousdell on transfer from the Lower Hutt Baptist Church. Our sympathy to the family of Mrs Dora Chong whose funeral was held in our church recently. Mr and Mrs Eric Thorpe were recently married. Congratulations to Linda Gillies - a valued member of a musical team - who passed her grade eight piano exam with merit.


November 1987

HASTINGS Rev Peter Eaton 10.30 7.00

We hosted the Regional Meeting. The Rev Tom Cadman led discussion on the restructuring of the Union and Missionary Society. Everyone enjoyed our Thai Evening - food, films and clothes made it very interesting. Welcome home to Rob and Maureen Cooke. We hope it is for keeps. Sympathy to Betty Croucher and Jill Thomas on the loss of a sister and aunty. Congratulations to Nigel Mitcherson and Beverley Chong on their engagement. Recent family service was a great success when Mrs Audrey Thorpe was baptised. Children from all departments of the Sunday school took part in the service.


December 1987

HASTINGS Rev Peter Eaton 10.30 7.00

At our Annual Meeting we welcomed Ted Petherick, Val Noell and Peter Stormer as new deacons, and Geoff Whelan as a new elder. Welcome home Rae Hensman from work with YWAM in Mexico and America. Love and sympathy is extended to Mavis Rowland whose father died in his 104th year; to Pearl McAlpine on the sudden passing of husband John; to Betty Croucher on the loss of a brother; also Maryann Trimm, her grandmother; and to Eric Borst's family. Our loved member Sylvia Bartlett was called to her reward. Her bright smile and faithful witness touched many lives. We pray for her husband Laurie.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.