February 2006
Usual break-up functions for various ministries held, perhaps most exciting being Music & Movement Party, where all rules about healthy eating were forgotten! Many mothers voiced their appreciation of the year's programme. Carols and Candles service again time of enjoying true Christmas spirit, singing carols old and new, then enjoying special morning tea. Always enjoy visits from holidaymakers to our Christmas and January services. Once again church was focus of much attention because of Christmas lighting display, subdued and topical.
April 2006
Exciting to have children/intermediate/youth groups, Girls' Brigade, Play Group and 'mainly music' commenced for 2006, also Friendly Hour for older people, and Priority Prayer, bi-monthly prayer meeting for whole church. Growth Groups cater for over 70% of church people. Look forward to two parenting evenings with Ian & Mary Grant. Each February church responsible for providing hospital helpers to take patients to chapel services. This we willingly do as it is much appreciated by those who are wheeled to chapel. Church picnic held in perfect surroundings and perfect weather.
June 2006
Last supper meal at Easter special, time to share and reflect more deeply on events of Holy Week. Local children (150 of them) enjoyed Easter Egg Hunt with fun and games, plus clear portrayal of real meaning of Easter. Ten years of Music and Movement in this church being celebrated in various ways. Present M&M children already had their party. Other functions for 'graduates' planned. Shaun & Sharon Hutson farewelled as they left for Bangladesh, where they will work in the LAMB Hospital for a year.
August 2006
Hastings BMF Devotionals For Sale
Moira Brown has been president of the two BMF groups in the Hastings Church for some 20 years. She was president of the evening group and then became president of the afternoon group. About five years ago the two groups combined.
As part of running the meetings, she prepared devotional talks to give to the members. These were much appreciated and at the beginning of 2005 she was asked to have these talks printed so that they would not be lost.
Margaret Lambert, the vice president of the BMF, a retired school teacher and the Hastings Church librarian, wanted to have the talks available in the library for people to use as devotions. Another church member thought the finished result ('Loaves and Fishes') should be more widely distributed, and they are now available to purchase.
Both Margaret and Moira are delighted that at least seven people are already using them. They are available through the church office for $25, which includes postage and packaging. Profits from the sale go to the BMF.
Orders may be placed with Mrs M. Lambert, c/o Hastings Baptist Church, PO Box 1309, Hastings.
September 2006
Local churches combined for evening of Christian music at Hastings Baptist, enjoyed by 200 young people. "Friendly Hour" celebrated 48th birthday, afternoon tea even better than usual. Moira Brown retired from presidency of BMF. Had been in that position since 1986. Charles Hewlett spoke at men's breakfast and ladies lunch. Now better prepared to cope when life does not go the way we expect. Self Denial offering over $6,000, exceeded expectations. Series of inspirational sermons from Jude preached by our pastor.